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I looked at my friends, there were all asleep, I wasn't tired so I went on Twitter, there were loads of comments asking how I was,
Hi all, thanks for all your support, I'm a lot better now. :)
I felt good for tweeting that. I took a picture of everyone sleeping on the floor and tweeted, sleepovers in the hospital... Yay...
I sent the tweet then went to bed.


I woke up at 10am, along with the others, Beth jumped in beside me.
"Oh, don't you rip those wires and tubes off of me!" I told Beth.
"Okay okay I'm sorry, we should probably get a nurse."
"Joe, Ash and I have to go home. We have to see our family." Amy said.
"Here who ever wants to go home, can go home, okay? Thanks for comin' Amy, and thank you Ash, you may or may not have just saved my life," I patted him on the back.
Tom and Netty went home together, surprise surprise..
"I'd love to go to that wedding, if I'm still alive to go!" I laughed,
"Oh shut up, y'ol thing! You'll be grand!" Netty kissed me on the cheek then walked out beside Tom.

I was left with the two I started with, Beth and David, Nicole went home as well to feed the pets.
A nurse came along,
"When did he wake up?" They asked,
"Last night, about midnight." Beth said,
"So how are you feeling Joe? Any pains anywhere?"
"Um, slight pain in my back, I don't know if that has anything to do with it."
"What kind of pain? Like a cramp or-"
"Yes it's like a mild cramp." I said, massaging the part of my back,
"Ok it's probably just an after shock, this has happened to a few people before." She admitted,
"That's alright, d'ya know when I'll be able to go home?"
"We will see how you are, hopefully tomorrow." She said,
"Good.. Good." I sighed, and just wanted to be in my own bed looking out to the sea with Beth again.
The nurses went off to talk about me, I assume.

"I tweeted that I'd vlog today." I said to Beth.
"Go on ahead, use my phone."
I turned on the camera, and began to vlog.
"D'ya know what, I'm just fed up with hospitals, I've been in one 3 times in the last month and I just want to go to sleep in my own bed!" Sqaishey looked over,
"They said your blood pressure is low, so how did you manage t-"
"My blood pressure is low, my cholesterol is high."
We told the whole story, I explained that I'd be back soon, hopefully there wouldn't be any more hospital visits.

"Joe." Beth said, a nurse came in,
"were are going to have to examine your heart." She said,
"We will have a look on the computer first, if there is something that could potentially go wrong again, we may have to do an operation."
"Oh.." I said, "okay."
I was shivering in the fact of an operation, they would open me up and I'd be here for at least another couple weeks.
The nurse left, leaving me with the other two, just hoping I'd be able to go home.
The nurses asked me to take off my shirt, which I did, feeling slightly nervous as I was with my friends and no, I wasn't a strong man with a six pack, I was a weak, skinny boy and my rib cage was clearly visible.
I heard my friends whispering that, that's not healthy. I tried to ignore them.
The nurses held a 'thing' over my chest, I guessed this was the scanner.
They placed it on my chest, it was surprisingly cold and it made me shiver. I then started panicking, what if I die? What if my fans get upset me? What if I have an operation and all my dreams are crushed?
"Joe, I want you to relax. Okay?" The nurses said,
"How?" I didn't mean to say it out load, but I was wondering how,
"Think of the sea, think of being underwater..." I didn't listen after that, I had a phobia of being underwater - childhood memories..
I remember the days I was with my sisters, the times we would get a long. But now my sisters are all grown up, one of them is 33 the other is 27, and getting married.
I remembered the time when we went to the beach and built the biggest sandcastle, it was bigger than me, though I was only about seven so it probably wasn't too big.
The nurse had finished scanning, I hadn't even noticed.
The nurses went away again for a couple of minutes, then came back,
"So- we examined your heart, there is a slight blockage to your left ventricle, but there is no suggestion that you will have another heart attack anytime soon, although if you want we can operate to clear it."
"Nah, I'll be fine." I said, looking at the picture.
"Well we have the heart attack problem solved, we need to get the fainting problem solved." I rolled my eyes, seriously?
"Your blood pressure is very low, and by the weight of you- you haven't been eating enough."
I looked at my stomach, I suppose it was pretty slim.
"Are you not eating for any particular reason?" They asked,
"I'm just- not usually hungry." I admitted, which was true.
"You've got anorexia nervosa, Joe. So we are going to need to put you on a special diet."
"Oh dear, what?"
"So, not fatty, but you need some sugars and you also need some protein."
They gave me protein shakes with added sugar to give me just that bit more weight.
"Alright, but don't have too much all at once, don't want you being sick." One of the nurses said,
"Thanks. Am I allowed to leave now?"
"Whenever you want."
I immediately jumped out of bed,
"David would you mind giving me a lif-"
"Why do you think I stayed?" He said, "c'mon lets get you home."

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