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Sqaisheys POV

"Are you sure your okay?" I looked over at Joe, "you look really pale." I touched his face, "your boiling!"
"Well he did just collapse." David added,
"Yeh but the effects should have worn off by now." I said,
"I'm fine, seriously." Joe said,
"Let's see." David reached one hand over and touched Joes head.
"Oh God Yeh, your not well. Here, I think you should probably stay in my house tonight and if you're better tomorrow you can go out then."
"Seriously I feel fine." Joe argued,
"Jo- Stampy do you really feel fine, you don't look it?" I said, showing the camera what Joe looked like.
Comments came buzzing in,

Stampy should stay in bed.

Yeh he really doesn't look good, he just fainted for gods sake!

"Ok ok, fine." Joe moaned.

We pulled in at Davids house, Nicole had went to visit her family so it was just us three, I carried in Davids phone, being careful not to show names of roads, but it was out in the country so I doubted there was any road names.
"Nice house!" I complimented,
"Have you not been here before?"
"No I saw the last one but I haven't seen this one yet."
"Hello Marley! I remember you!" Marley went and jumped up on me licking me all over.

"So.. Slight problem... We only have two bedrooms." David said, biting his lip,
"Here I'll sleep on the sofa." David said, "I'll wash my bed for you."
"No it's fine! I'll sleep on the sofa!"
"You know what, why don't we all sleep on the sofas with pillows and blankets and watch a few movies and stuff?" David suggested,
"Yeh that would work!" I commented,
"Wait- where's Stampy?" I said, giving the phone back to David.
"Oh no please no.." David said, standing up.

" You okay?" I called, trying to find him.
I did eventually find him, on the ground. He must have fainted again.
"I.. I found him. Help!" I yelled.

Squids POV

"Help!" I heard from the distance.
"Oh god. Okay," I put my phone in my back pocket with the camera facing outwards so they could see behind me.
He was lying on the ground on his stomach.
"Jesus Christ... We need to call an ambulance."
"No that's the last thing he needs," Beth said,
"Well then let's bring him into the spare bedroom." I kneeled down,
"Joe? Joe can you hear me?" Beth said, touching his face. "He's sweating, I'll get a damp face cloth."
"Bathroom is first on your left." I said.
"C'mon Joe don't do this to me, please!" I put my hand on his sweating face. "Please just wake up for me Joe, wake up. Your my best friend, please." I knew the people watching the livestream would hear me, but I honestly couldn't care less.
Beth came back with a face cloth,
"I'll get his head, you get his legs." I said, "one, two, three." We lifted him up into the guest bedroom, I opened a window to cool it down and set him on the bed. I took my camera out and gave it to Beth while I went out.

Sqaisheys POV

David gave me the camera,
"There you go love", I kissed him on the forehead then walked out of the room. I knew the fan girls and boys were going to be out screaming but I honestly didn't care.
"I'm just glad we didn't go out today." I said to the livestream, "that'd be a disaster."
"I seriously don't know why we didn't end the livestream, but I can't think it's because you want to know what goes on, I would have ended it.. Um, do you think I should?"

No we want to know if Stampy is ok

No, we want to comfort Squid because he was really upset

Yeh squid was really upset

"W- wait what?" I said, "two seconds." I put the phone in my pocket. I went into the room where Joe was in, David was, in fact, sitting beside him.
"You okay?" I said, grabbing a chair. And sitting beside David.
"You got the livestream with you?"
"Could you mute it for a second?"
I looked at the chat,

Please don't please!
Don't mute it!

I had no choice, if he swore then I was dead. But I couldn't go against my subscribers will... They needed to know about Joe. They cared.

I didn't mute it.

"What are we gonna do with him?" He said,
"He needs iron and water." I said, remembering my home economics from school, "his blood pressure is very low. That explains why he couldn't see."
David nodded, a tear rolled down his eye. I quickly hugged him.
"He's gonna be fine, he's Joe."
"He needs to harden up. He has no self defence, you should have known that." I stared at him,
"That has nothing to do with this." I quickly said, now wishing I had muted it.
"I have a feeling it has, why the hell did you leave him when he needed you most?"
"I apologised! Ok! I'm sorry! We are together again! Ok!" I shouted,
"You lied to him,"
"I didn't! I don't lie to my friends!"
"So I'm not your friend then?" He said, picking up the phone, looking at me in disgust when he saw that the livestream was not muted, and leaving the room.

What have I done?!

Squids POV

I ended the stream infuriated.

Stampys POV

My eyes flickered open, I couldn't see anything for the first few seconds, but my eyes quickly adjusted and I was ok. Beth sat beside me, tears ran down her face.
David came in with water and medicine.

Squids POV

" are you ok there? " he said, sitting by the side of the bed,
"He's fine." Beth said,
"Lies.", I said, staring at her.
"My head is a bit sore, could I have some water please, Dave?" Joe said, I nodded and filled him a glass of water.
"Thanks. For everything. I'm sorry I'm like this I don't know why."
"Stamps, go to sleep, call me if you need me." I walked out of the door but I just about made out the words,
"I'm so sorry."

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