The Move

212 11 9

Stampys POV

We packed everything up into the land rover and Sqaishey sat on a chair we bought on the way home.
We vlogged some more,
"So we are on our way to our new house, this is the first time we have ever been there, and we have already bought a whole load of stuff for it, which Sqaishey is sitting on right now.

Flashbacks... Flashbacks to when she lay dying... "Meet me in bed"....'what is this? What am I remembering?

I filmed Beth happily sitting on whatever looked comfortable.
"Next left yeh?" David interrupted,
"Yep, just after that sign. And up the.... Hill.... Oh my god!"
"Stamps you really do have a good taste in houses, that's just stunning!"
"W- wait is that.. Oh my god! It's beautiful! How much did it cost?"
" a lot. But I have a feeling its worth it."
"I do too." Beth said. I didn't film it, because I didn't want any of the people who watched the video to recognise it.

The house was on a cliff, it was round and it had a stair case leading down through the cliff onto a semi circle off the side of the cliff. It was just.. Beautiful.

"Wonder if it's got good wifi?" Beth asked,
"That your first question? Has it got good wifi?"
"You were wondering that yourself, weren't you!
"Umm... No?"
"Yeh yeh totally.."
We jumped out of the jeep, I unlocked the house and looked around.
The floors were wooden all around, and down stairs.. Oh that was magnificent.
It had glass windows over looking the sea, it had a balcony, where I could imagine watching the sun set with Beth and a glass of champagne.
The kitchen was beautiful and slick, Beth and I chose a room which would be our bedroom. It overlooked the sea from the top and out its doors it had steps down into a swimming pool.
"Umm, can I stay over some day?" David asked,
"Stay over tonight." I said, "there was already a mattress here and we can move it down into another room.
"Seriously?!" David was delighted,
"Yeh, let's get the rest of the stuff inside before sunset."
We did, in fact get everything in, not quite prepared, but we got them in before sunset. Us three then, being us, went into the master bedroom then out beside the pool.
"I have brought my water proof phone cover just incase." David said,
"Oh yeh mr gadgets!" I laughed,
"Hello this is Squiddy and we are in Stampys absolutely amazing new house. Which I am having a sleepover in! And look he's got s swimming po-" I pushed David in,
"AAAAGGHH! I'm wearing my clothes! And it's freezing!"
"Harden u-" Beth pushed me in,
"C..cold! Oh sh....t my phone!"
David turned his phone to his face, "uh oh, it's not in your pocket is it?"
"Oh phew I left it on the table."
"Now, Bethy boo boo, come on in!" Joe said, tugging at her legs,
"Emm, nah, I'll get you guys some towels!"
"Come on Sqaishey your a duck aren't you? You like swimming!"
"I'm a duck on minecraft!" She screamed,
"That's not a valid excuse!" David laughed, filming her.
I got out of the pool, walked up beside Beth.
"I never saw that thing on the house!" Beth looked to the house and I lifted her up bridal style and dropped her into the pool. I then jumped in after her.
"AAAAGGHH! No we haven't got any towels!"
"We'll...... Improvise." I said,
"Uh huh?" Beth raised an eyebrow at me,
"Burr it's so cold!" Beth shivered,
"Oh you chilly?" I put my arms around her and hugged her, I could see David making a heart with his hands.
"Oh shut up she's cold!" I said, rolling my eyes at Squids camera,
"I'm cold!" He swam over to me and acted like he wanted a hug,
"Squid that's just weird." I said, walking backwards,
I rolled my eyes. Then I looked at myself,
"Problem, big problem." I said,
"What's wrong?" Beth asked,
"I'm wearing a white shirt..."
"Uh oh."
"That's gonna be really see-through.
"Um guys.. Uh.." I looked down at Beth's jeans to see that they were white.
"Yeh that might just be worse!"
"And that, my friends, is why you don't wear white in the pool." David laughed,
"Your starting to have lots of little life lessons on your vlogs and live streams, Squid!"
"Yeh, how to deal with fainting, why not to wear white.. I could open up a little school!"
"Oh yeh by the way Stampy is a lot better now, and he's a very happy cat."
"Yes he is he got his Xbox sorted out, he has more clothes and he has another house and a really comfy bed." David said, "I'm almost jealous!"
"Right I'm going to get some towels and dressing gowns " Beth announced, before wrapping her black cardigan over her white trousers.

I looked at her and remembered my ex girlfriend. Her name was Melanie. I was devastated when she ended the relationship with me, but after a while she tried to win me back. I refused. I said that I was already seeing someone else.. I wasn't really 'with' anyone. But back then I had my eye on Sqaishey Quack's channel. I wanted to meet her, and I hoped that she would want to meet me.
I wished that Melanie and I remained friends; I really did love her while I had her, I guess that music people were my type. Anyone that could sing.
I never showed Melanie any of my YouTube friends, well, her and Lee met once, they became pretty good friends but now I haven't spoken to either of them. Melanie doesn't want to be with me, and I don't want to be anywhere near Lee.

Beth came back a few minutes wearing a dressing gown and a towel over her hair and carrying two more,
"They are so warm!" She said, feeling them, "I had them on the radiator."
The two of us raced out of the pool, I was aware that Beth and David could probably see through my shirt but I didn't really care.
I took my shirt off and I put a dressing gown on then took my trousers off. I was now completely warm.
" let's go and jump into bed, watch the sunset." Beth said, hopping into the comfiest bed in the world!
"I'm getting in the middle!" I jumped into the middle of the bed,
"Oh my god it's so nice!"
Beth bulled up the blanket and all three of us ended the video in bed, about to fall asleep.
We were happy, all of us. I had never felt happier. Not in a long time.

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