Unforgettable Dream

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Sqaisheys POV

This is not my life.
This can't be real.
Let me wake up.

I blinked and I was still in my room.
Joe wasn't there, I forgot to collect him. Shit.
Should I care anymore? I'm a liar as David said, now Davids dead.
All I wanted was a happy life. I Never should have left my old boyfriend, Jason.
Why does this life seem so bad?
I checked my YouTube, one notification.
Stampylonghead uploaded a video.
"No.. Oh no.. Oh god no." I said out loud.
Tears streamed down his face as he said he quit.
The comments were all children and teenagers in shock and so upset, and many asked, what about Sqaishey?
I hesitated, should I quit too?
"See you next time." I heard his voice say in the video.
No, I won't quit! I won't!

I called a taxi to the place where David had been cremated. Joe sat on his wheelchair there,
"Joe, come on Joe let's get you home." I said,
"We need to take his ashes." He said,
"We can do that later, come on let's get you fed." I pushed him away from Davids ash grave, people had started to gather, one was Nicole.
"Hold on a second." I said, leaving Joe by the taxi.
"Nicole." I said, walking up to her,
"So this is what I've done." She said,
"Nicole it's not your fault he just-"
"I left him , did he see the letter?"
"Well he looked at the letter and said to us you just went down to the shops.."
"He didn't tell.. Anyone." Nicole whispered,
"I've gotta go, Nicole, do you want to come to?" I offered,
"No," she replied,
"See you, then." I said. Worried for her.
That was the last time I ever saw Nicole.

"You've got a check-up with the hospital tomorrow." I told him, sitting down in the cab.
"I know." He replied,
"We'll need to get you showered." I said,
"Gods sake." He sighed, I knew how hard it was getting changed and getting in the shower in his wheelchair.
When we got home I lifted Joe onto his wheelchair and pushed him into the house.
"Joe I've got something I need to do." I said, walking to my office.
"Stream it." He said,
"Just, do it.." He said,
"Umm.. If you want. I'm not quitting just yet."
"Good." He replied.

I turned on my laptop, put it on my knee and started up a livestream.
"Okay, so Stamps wanted me to do a livestream... To try and cheer him up." I looked behind me where Joe was washing the dishes in his wheelchair.
"If you haven't watched the video, he quit. He was just so upset, he was in pain both physically and emotionally and.." I noticed Joe staring at me,
"Stampy.." I began,
"Call me Joe." He replied,
"The stream has started.."
"I know. And my channel has ended." My heart sank, I knew this already but I just felt really downed by this.
"Are you sure?" I asked, knowing the viewers would agree.
"No. I don't want to." He admitted, I bent my head in curiosity.
"I don't want anyone else to get harmed because of me."
"It's not your fault!" I cried,
"Did I or did I not steal Lees gun, put it against his head and pull the trigger!?" He yelled,
"Joe..." I looked into his eyes, trying to signify that the stream was still on. "Y'know what I don't even care anymore."
"Why do you stay with me?" He asked,
"Your my fiancé." I replied, sighing,
"But, why?"
"Maybe because I care about you!" I shouted, noticing a tear was about to drip down my face. I quickly whipped it away.
"I'm sorry." He sighed, vertically covering his mouth and nose with his two hands, and leaning his elbows on the table.
"Tell me something I didn't know about you." He asked me, changing the topic completely.
"Umm.." I stuttered, "I don't know.. I've told you basically everything. Tell me something I don't know about you?"
I watched his eyes widen,
"I've told you everything."
"A while ago you said that you got flashbacks from something. Tell me. What about?"
"A dream. But it felt so real.."
"Keep speaking."
"I was only asleep for like an hour but my dream consisted of a year." I was slightly confused,
"Tell me about this dream." I said,
"Well I fell asleep in my old house when I had invited David and Nicole over, then I found you outside in the rain.." Huh?
"We were having a livestream for some reason, but you forgot to turn it off and we did something and-" he began,
"So that's why you were so cautious and made sure I turned off the livestream that night." I realised, he nodded, there is something familiar...
"We both dropped our YouTube accounts and you, you tried to commit suicide and jumped in front of a bus.. But you were saved by David," my eyes widened, wait..
"We went to Paris about a month after, but you were reminded of that event and you slit your throat." My mouth dropped slightly, Amy...
"You died the day afterwards in hospital. I still get flashbacks of that. Your last words were-"
"Meet me in bed.." I whispered.
"Huh?" He replied, "how did you know?"
"How did I know..?"
"Yes! How the hell did you know!?"
"I just.. Wait.."
"Your confusing me Beth your really confusing me!" He shouted, grabbing my shoulders, "That was a dream! That was my dream! How do you know what happened?!" He shouted,
Suddenly I felt that.. I remembered,
"Because I was there." I said, "I remember."
"I remember Amy calling me! I remember you kissing me! I remember saying those words to you!"
"But that was a dream you woke me up!"
"I don't remember waking up!" I yelled.
"Wait.." Joe said, leaning back. "Am I still dreaming?" He ran his fingers through his hair in stress.
"Beth how did I meet you?!" He asked me, putting his hands on my face looking into my eyes.
"I made you a game when i was seventeen. I uploaded it in a YouTube video and you saw it." I recalled.
"No.. No I found you out in the rain.. Then you stayed at my house.." He shouted,
"You did!" He replied, "I know you did!"
"I never went to Chichester! You invited me over a couple months after I made the video, you invited me, David and Nicole."
"What.." His eyes widened and he looked outside the window.
"Joe.." I said, I turned the livestream off and put my hands on his face.
"David said that he figured it out.." He looked at me, "I'm still dreaming."
"No.. No.. But it feels so real! This has to be real! I can feel pain! I can feel you! I can touch you!" A tear ran down my face.

Joe looked at me.

"I'm not real." I sighed,
Joe walked over me and kissed my neck, hugging me, he rested his chin on my head.
"I don't know what's waiting for me in reality.."
"You're starting to wake up." I told him. "Meet me in bed."

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