One Word.

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Nicoles POV

We pulled Joe away from David. Ash and Finnball helped keep him down. I rang the police and the ambulance, Joe needed to get sorted out.

"Dave, Dave!" I looked at my unconscious boyfriend, he lay, white as snow, his nose and mouth was covered in blood, as was the surrounding ground.
"He's not breathing." I said, trying to pump on his stomach.
"Oh wake me up! Wake me up!" I pleaded, and wailed, Amy walked over to me, and put her hands on my shoulders.
"How's Netty?" I sighed, a tear falling down my face.
"She's awake, but she's in pain."
Amy went downstairs again, the ambulance and the police had arrived. The ambulance took Netty and David away, the police took Joe away. Everyone else went in the ambulances along with Netty or David.

The people in the ambulances performed CPR, they checked his pulse,
"There is a faint pulse. Very slow."
Once we got to the hospital they put tubes down his throat, he wasn't breathing,
"Are you tired?" One of the nurses asked us all, I shook my head, lying, but I needed to see if he was ok.
David and Netty managed to get beds beside each other, to Toms delight he could check on both his partner and brother.

Netty was awake, she had a large bruise across her leg and her face was purple. 
"What happened to him?!" She said, looking at David.
"He's gonna be fine okay." Tom soothed,
"Did Joe do this to him?" A tear rolled down her eye, she quickly rubbed it away,
"Did my brother do this!"
Tom looked at the ground, "yes.. Yes he did."
"Where is he, where is my brother! Is he here!?"
"He's, I'm sorry, hes.. He was arrested." Tom said,
"Good." She folded her arms,
"We can take him out, it's only a temporary things, but we have to pay £100 or something." Tom said,
"But we can't just take him out just like that," Finn replied, "you don't want to take him out and then watch him beat the shit out of David again."
"Yeh, good point." Amy said, "oh I don't know anymore, give him till tomorrow, then visit him."
"Alright." Netty said, "but if he's still like that then leave him there. We all know it wasn't David who kidnapped Beth."

Suddenly I felt a hint of light inside of David,
"David!" His eyes opened slowly, his breathing was loud yet brief.
A nurse came round and put an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose.
"You okay, love?" I said, putting my hand on his shoulder, he looked over at me and winked, making me smile. He took his oxygen mask off,
"What happened to Joe?" He croaked,
"Joe- well, the police came and took him in." He shook his head,
"Just say it was me then. Make him happy."
''No!" Nicole said, ''I'm not loosing you!"
"Shit.." David pointed towards the door where a camera crew and a reporter stood, then opening the door.
"Hello." A reporter said ''I'm Jeremy, and I'm sorry to hear about what happened. Is it possible if we could film here?"

I stood around David as the cameras filmed him.
"So, could you explain to us what happened?" Jeremy asked,
"So we were having a nice night out at their house, we had dinner and drinks, we were just outside when Netty told us Beth had gone missing, so we went down to see that the police were there outside beside Joe, they had found a bit of fabric from her outfit, some blood which was believed to be hers, they found Beth's phone and tire marks." He said,
"Could you tell us why your in hospital?" Jeremy asked,
"Uhh..." He looked around us looking for help,
"I'd prefer not to. For Joe's sake." He said, now if that's not a good friend what is?
They turned the cameras off for a minute,
"David, I really need to know, please." Jeremy said,
"I'll say it," Tom said, standing out.
"What- no Tom, you can't do this to the poor man! He's lost his girlfriend and he's been betrayed by us!" David said,
"He betrayed us." Tom said, "he does not deserve all those subscribers if he's going to do this to you and Netty. YouTube need to know the truth. The world needs to know the truth."
They turned the camera back on.

Sqaisheys POV

I was still in the dark, my hands were tied behind me. Wasn't anyone coming to save me? Wasn't anyone trying to?
"Hello Sqaishey." It was a woman's voice, no wait, it sounded computer generated.
"Who are you?!" I yelled,
"You don't know me very well, but you will soon."
"Do I? Tell me your NAME!" I screamed,
"What's yours?"
"My name is Beth," I said, "give me my phone."
"You left your phone behind."
"Shit. Where am I? Just tell me where I am!"
"If I say I could be lying."
"Please let me go home!" I cried, tears flowed down my face, "who are you?!"
"I'm your new best friend." I was terrified... What were they going to do to me..?

Stampys POV

I woke up in the morning.
I was in a cell, the walls were white stone, I was behind bars. I was... Oh god no.
"Joseph Garrett, eh?" The Person beside me said,
"Get away from me." I growled,
"Let my daughters watch you, why? Because I thought you were a good man." I looked down,
"Why're you here?" He asked,
"I need to think." I said ignoring him.
"Yes, sir, I think you do."
I put my head down, my hangover was deadly, I put my hands through my hair and thought about what happened last night.
"Why the hell am I here?" I sighed, ignoring the man beside me's comments.
Beth my sweet darling Beth, taken by... Who? David. Taken by David. Hopefully he's dead. That's why I'm here.

Squids POV

"So he believed it was me, he got mad, he... Well. He chocked me and I don't know but-"
Tom took over,
"Joe fought hard against David, David didn't try to defend himself or fight back.."
"So," Jeremy said, raising the microphone towards Tom.
"Who do you think did it?"

Joe, in jail. With the Risk of loosing all his subscribers and fans. Me? Who cares about me? My subscribers, all three million of them.. They'd hate me if I just said one word. Nicole? She'll find someone better than me.
If this is the one word that will make Joe happy. So Joe can feel good about himself.
All my ideas, dreads, spinning, spiralling, whizzing around my head.
One word.
"me." I said, tears ran down my face,
"What?! Why would you say a thing like that?!" Amy gasped,
"It was me."
"But the finger prints..." Netty began,
"Mine don't bother checking."
"David! No! You were here the whole time!"
"Maybe." I said,
"David, don't you leave me alone! Don't you fucking dare!" Nicole yelled, "I know you didn't do it! I know you didnt!"
I was dragged away from the hospital.
"What have I done." I whispered under my breath. Tears flooded my eyes.
I was handcuffed and brought into a police car.
"So where is Bethany Bates?!" They asked me sharply,
"I.. I don't know."
"Course you "don't know" shut up, David. Where is she?" The policemen terrorised,
"I don't know!" I yelled.
"Suit yourself, your going straight to jail until we find her, if we find her. Then five years after that if we do."
What have I done?!

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