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Stamps POV

I stood up from the fall, seeing blood on the ground. I paused the stream, looked in a mirror to see a bloody me. Why do I stream?  I got a face cloth from the bathroom and cleared up my face. The cut above my eyebrow had opened up again. "Shit" I whispered, getting a bit of cotton wool and dabbing it on my face until my cut was not as visible. I then got some kitchen roll and cleaned up the little bit of blood on the floor.  Then unpaused the livestream.
"Sorry about that, anyway let's carry on. "I put the salmon in a pan, then cracked an egg on top of it. "Then you want to add some sugar so sweeten it up, and add the mars bar and chocolate. When the salmon is cooked, so about now, go and put it onto a plate and wrap it in self raising flour.. Like so. Then pop it in the oven.. Until it turned into something. And put your chips in too." I sat by the oven looking to see what was going on. My head was so sore from the fall. I sat on the ground out of view from the camera. Lent my head on the cabinet and fell asleep.

Sqaisheys POV

Joe was streaming, he must have been lonely. I went to watch it on the train. He was cooking, he had sat down beside the cabinet, we couldn't see him. Five minutes had passed and he hadn't spoken or said a word. Smoke began to appear from the oven, I rang him, no reply. You could hear his phone ring in the background. A fire began, it caught onto a tea towel. I rang the fire brigade and gave them Joes address, the cameras vision smoked up and became black. I commented for all to read.
"Ok, hi, I've rang the fire brigade and the ambulance it should be okay."
"Thanks Sqaishey, I'm so scared."
"Oh thank god!"
Suddenly in the stream I heard some heavy breathing,
"Joe!" I said to myself, everyone on the train looked at me. I didn't care.

Stamps POV

Fire surrounded me, I panicked, where to go what to do,
"Shit shit shit." It was only then when I remembered I was live streaming.
I found it difficult to breathe, I was constantly coughing, I was on fire. My leg was burning, I heard the screeching of the ambulance in the background. Not for me, who would have called?
I ran towards the nearest fire extinguisher, which happened to be in the kitchen, i squirted foam at the fire but it did nothing. The phone rang. I went to get it quick.
"Joe! Joe are you ok?"
"Beth!" The roof then caved in.

Sqaisheys POV

I looked on the screen. It was pitch black. More black than it was before,you could hear my voice,
"Joe! Joe! Can you hear me!" I screamed, knowing that the people watching the stream could hear me.
The livestream was cut off. The computer must have smashed.
I heard the ambulance come through the phone, I heard water squirt. Then i was cut off.
I put down the phone and began to cry on the train. I wasn't embarrassed. People looked at me but I didn't care. My best friend might have died! I commented on the livestream,
He's going to be okay, he's going to go to hospital and he is going to be ok. Go and spread this on all his YouTube videos that he will be out for a couple of weeks. Okay? Say he'll be away don't say why, just say he will be away.
I got lots of responses and Twitter was filling up saying
@stamplonghead will be off for a bit.
Of course there were the few people who told the whole story, but I didn't really care.
The train was just about to stop at my station. But I decided to go back. I needed to see him.
I got off at the station, then immediately got on another train heading to the hospital.

It took about two hours to get there, but when I arrived I didn't know where to go. I just went up the steps and hoped to see the hospital right in front of me.
Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.
I was confronted with a huge city, to be honest I didn't even know what city it was, Bath probably? I asked loads of people where the hospital was, but not one of them knew where it was.
I asked the police men, no answer, they were "too busy" some people didn't answer me at all.
At last I found a bus saying, "city Hospital." I was never as relieved to find a bus.
I hopped on, bought a ticket and the bus took me in a fifteen minute journey to the hospital.
I asked at reception to see Joseph Garret. They said there isn't a Joseph Garret,
"Um, is there any new comers that didn't say their name?"
"There is one, brown curly haired man, aged mid twenties?"
"Yes, yes him!" I squeaked,
"He's floor eight, cubical 13."
"Ok thanks." I ran up the stairs, out of breath by the time I got to the eighth floor, so I walked very slowly into cubical 13.
"Hello?" I opened the curtain very slowly, I was shaking heavily.
"Come in." It was a woman's voice,
"Hiya Beth." It was Joseph's mum.
"Oh hi." I said. I looked down to see Him.
He was all black and bloody. Scabs were spread around his face. He was unconscious.
"Just after you two recovered from the crash." His mum shook her head, "I have to go, can you stay with him for a bit."
I nodded.
She left, I could almost see a tear on her eye.
I ruffled his hair, and smiled.
"You sleepy head." I decided I make another livestream but I wouldn't have the picture up.
"Hiya everyone. Sorry it's late, but I'm sure he people who saw Stampys livestream will want to know how he's doing and what's has happened. Well, I'm in hospital with him. He's alive, hes all black and bloody so that's why I haven't got the camera on. He's still unconscious but hopefully he's going to be okay. Just don't expect any videos for the next month, ok?" I noticed that I was crying my tears rolled down my face. What I didn't realise though, was that one of them fell onto one of Joes open wounds. He went to touch it,
"No, no shh.." I out my hand over his,
"Ok bye." I ended the stream before it got gory.
"Beth." He rumbled, his eyes opened,
"Shh, Joe don't talk."
I pressed a small red button above his bed to signal the nurses to come.They came immediately.
"Hello, I'm Charrise, you are..?" A lady said,
"I'm Beth, I'm his.. Friend."
Charrise was a young, slim lady, she had dark skin and long black hair. I thought she looked beautiful.
"Ok, and what is his name we don't know yet?"
"His name is Joseph Garret, he prefers Joe."
"Okay Joe, are you ok?"
He put his thumb and his index finger together which means yes.
"Ok Beth, can you please sit down here?" Charrise asked, pointing at a green chair beside the wall.
"Yep." I read through comments,

I hope he's okay.

I miss him already.

This is all my fault I asked him to get salmon

He's had a bad day, first he was almost arrested, next he trips, now his house is on fire, and he's really unwell.

He was almost arrested? What did I miss?

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