One Bullet

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Sqaisheys POV

"Joe?" I put my hands across his face, "joe can you hear me?"
I saw his leg twitch, he must have been so exhausted.

I rested my head on his chest then looked up on Twitter,

I really hope Stampy is okay and that it won't be too long before his videos upload again.

Poor Stampy it must be very sore I broke my arm when I was six and I had to go to hospital and...

All of the magic animal club are going through a very hard time. Get better xx

A tear fell from my face, they hadn't heard about Ash.
I wanted to tell them but I didn't know how to do it in a message.
So I kept silent.

"Beth." I heard Joe murmur. It startled me a bit, so I turned around.
"Are you okay?" I asked him, putting my hand around his neck,
"I'm not ready yet." He said, a tear clinged to his eye,
"Joe, don't give it up." I said, "don't give up."
Suddenly arms were wrapped around me, I lay on his chest and his nose scraped mine. I kissed him.
I closed my eyes, I wanted to go further. But we were a young couple, and not even married yet.
Once we pulled apart, he was sweating. He must be in pain.
I quickly pulled away from him and worked my way down to his legs.
"Does it hurt?" I asked, knowing it was a stupid question.
"Like I'm constantly being stabbed in the leg, oh god it hurts so bad." He moaned, bracing himself.
"Why us?" I asked, "why does everything happen to us?"
"Because we deserve it, apparently." He sighed.

All of a sudden the phone rang, I rushed off to get it.
"Hello can I speak to Mister Joseph Garrett?" It was a posh English woman,
"I'm sorry he is quite poorly at the moment, may he call you back in a couple days?" I replied,
"It's urgent, it's about Lee Carson. This cannot wait. Your life is in danger." She replied. My eyes widened and I quickly replied,
"I'll bring him to you, two seconds." I put her on hold,
"Joe!" I called, bringing The phone to him.
"Hello?" The call was on speaker so I could hear,
"Hello am I speaking to Joseph Garrett?"
"You are." He replied, he ran his fingers through his hair.
"Lee Carson has been detected around your house."
"What?" He pulled his trouser leg down and sat up at the end of the bed.
"He is most likely armed so be careful, the police are coming round now."
"Okay.. Okay.. What do I do?" He asked, panicking.
"Do all you can. Lee will be sentenced to death afterwards."
Joe hung up. He held my hand.
We were scared. Really really scared.

I then heard a banging on our glass balcony door.

Slowly we turned around.

My heart was beating so hard I felt like I was about to swallow it.

Another 90 degrees.

"Hello you two." I froze.

There he was, outside the door. Lee Carson, smiling cheekily at us. He made his way into our bedroom.
"So you two are now a happy couple together, oh lovely, sorry I didn't disturb you, did I?"
I protected Joe.
"So y'all survived then. Well-" he looked at Joes leg and laughed,
"Sorry 'bout that." He snorted. Taking out a gun.
Joe impressively stood up, leaning on one foot. We both put our hands up.
"Oh well done! Not so weak after all!" He laughed,
"Your a sick little child." This made Lee smile with his tongue,
"And I'm getting better!" He lunged straight for me. Sticking his tongue out and pushing me into the bed. He tried to touch me, and flashbacks of Melanie tugging me on the bed to a defenceless me.

Lee was thrown away by Joe. Who limped towards him.
Lee pointed his gun at Joe.
"Joe stay away from him!"

Stampys pov

The gun was pointing straight for me, my stomach tightened, I heard the police cars muffled noise behind me.
"Did you have fun with Stampy's ex?!" Lee laughed, looking at Beth, I opened my Mouth, unable to speak,
"You hired her! You told Melanie to do that to Beth!" I yelled,
"Oh so you finally picked up on that!" He laughed, playing with his gun till he yanked it up against my chest.
I was scared. I was really incredibly terrified for my life.
I lunged on top of him, as it was about the only thing I could do.
I managed to get a grip of the gun. Then I tugged away and pointed it at his head.
"Joe-" Beth's face was white and her eyes were red.
My rage built up as a glared at the son-of-a-bitch with his big scared eyes, and his dirty yellow hair.
Hell fire.
"GIVE ME ONE REASON WHY I SHOULD'NT PULL THIS TRIGGER!" I yelled, glaring at him, Beth covered her mouth.
"I was your friend!" Lee put his hands up.
By this time the police were backing up behind me, holding guns,
"You were NEVER my friend! After you raped a girl and you shot me and blew up a church and you killed over FIFTY PEOPLE! FIFTY PEOPLE THAT WERE MY FRIENDS!" I leaned the gun into his head.
"How's killing me going to change the past." He muttered,
"It's not about the past, Lee Bear, it's about the future."
I looked over to an officer,
"You're doing the right thing Joe."
"Well I'm going to spend the rest of my life trying to tell myself that."
Lee sighed, he knew this was it,
A lifetime was over.
He had lost the game.
"GoodBye Stampylongnose." He said. Looking down.
With that I looked at the police, they nodded.
This is the right thing to do..
I can never forgive him. He's too dangerous.
But all the same. I will never forgive myself for this.
"See you in hell."
I pulled the trigger.
-and killed him.

I stared at the lifeless bleeding body.
His blood, the blood of a boy who ruined his life when he was seventeen.
I stared at him. Feeling so incredibly sick.
I just killed a man.
I felt a hand on my shoulder, I didn't look round to see who it was.
I just stared at the monstrosity that ended in me.
He used to be my friend.
He used to have subscribers.
He used to be my subscribers favourite character.
Now he's dead.
A tear ran down my eye.
I felt so shocked. So sick. So lost in thought.
"It's all over." Someone whispered.
I fell to my knees in shock. I just killed a man.. I could hardly breathe.
Intense pain filled throughout my body.
He's dead and I'm not... I'm here...
I'm a murderer.

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