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Stampys POV

I woke up at 4am, had a shower and washed my face.
I didn't look too bad today, my face was looking a lot better, as was the rest of my affected body.

I put on the same shirt I wore yesterday, along with the same trousers.
David an I sat together and had breakfast.
"So, Lee Carson, you heard from him since... Then." He asked me,
"No, 'e's deleted his Twitter, Facebook.. Basically everything and he's disabled comments on his YouTube."
"Who plays him on your channel?" He asked,
"Anyone who's free. I'm gonna cut him entirely though soon."
"You gonna replace him?"
"Probably yeh."
"Listen. Joe-"
"David I'm thinking of quitting YouTube."
"No! No don't do that!"
"Why not it's not not like anyone would care."
"Stamps. Tell me, how many subscribers do you have?"
"Six million."
"Ok, so six million people would care, and probably more because children under twelve, which most of your watchers are. So.. Over 10 million people care, Stampy. Do you dare let those 10 million people down." He patted me on the back, "c'mon lets get going."

We got the train as far as Edinburgh, it took us about 4 hours, the trial started at 2pm, and we wanted to get there early.

We arrived in court at 1:30pm, where we saw Amy, ChooChoo and all of Lees 'friends' and family.
We then, of course, saw him.
I managed to catch his eye, I shook my head. I was very disappointed in him. For this I will delete any video he happened to appear in. Any video with his human face, any video with his name... Oh every video that disgusting bastard is in.

We walked up to me,
"Get away from me you freak. You tricked me into trusting you, and now your going to pay the price. Just go to prison and never come back."
He gave me the dirtiest look before turning back to where the police hand cuffed him.

In the end Lee was found guilty. He was charged 5 years in jail. And the rest of us went out for dinner.
Choo choo and weewee both travelled from Ireland to go here, and they seemed happy, as if it was an excuse to see everyone, which I suppose it was, just not the one we'd been hoping for.

"Hey my dads got a place round the corner if you wanna stay there for the night?" ChooChoo suggested, "no one is in, he rents it out,"
"Sure!" Weewee was delighted, we all nodded and before we knew it, everyone was staying at this small four bedroomed house. I had my own room, as did Amy because she was the only girl. Weewee and ChooChoo shared a Twin room, and David had his to himself.

I bought that house that I was going to move in to with Beth. Except I was going to live there alone instead. They all congratulated me, they told me not to care about what Beth thought. They told me to carry on, she's only going to bring me down.

I was having a beer with the crew, we were playing cards when. My phone rang. They were able to transfer the same sim onto this phone so I still had all the contacts.
Bethany Bates appears on the screen.
"Shit. What will I do?" I showed everyone my phone.
I stuck with my conscience and answered the phone.
"Hello?" I said,
"Hi, eh, Joe?"
"I need you help."
"Of course you do, Miss Sqaishey Smartie." I muttered.
"Listen I'm sorry!"
"Course you are! I bet your sitting there with all your friends laughing, making up something mean to say to me!"
"Joe stop!" I heard Amy say from the background,
I sighed, "what is it?" 
"Joe.. If I was to apologise and you were to accept it, how would I apologise?"
"You wouldn't say anything at all." I hung up.
"Hey! What the hell was that all about! At least she tried to apologise!"
"She didn't. She's just playing the game. That's all my life is and all it ever will be."
I walked upstairs into my room for the night. I took my clothes off, and sank into my bed. And started to vlog.
I was decent enough to make a video, my face was almost completely healed up, and I would be in bed,
"Hello is is Stampy and welcome to a little vlog, just letting you know that I'm ok, i have just bought a new house as the other one.. Well it's not there anymore. So I'm going to buy new things for it. I'm going to set it up and all, so hopefully I won't crash in the taxi! Fingers crossed. Although it's just me this time, I might just get a bus, but I won't be vlogging this time. As that lead to disaster last time. But anyway, I'm ok, my house isn't, nor is my clothing so i am going to have to get some tomorrow, I've only got a shirt and trousers, which I have been wearing for the past day and a half, so as you can see," I showed the camera that I was not wearing anything by showing the top half of my chest which was resting on the pillow.
"So yeh, I'm ok, apart from the fact that I've lost basically everything, but most of my friends have been great and I'm out of hospital after like a week and I'm almost completely healed up. You should've seen me before, yeh, it wasn't pretty. Well anyway this is just for people who watched the livestream, I'm not going to go into much depth about what happened during the livestream apart from that it ended in a bang and a blackout. And your really brave for sitting through it, and I'm so so stupid and it is all my fault I'm really sorry, I feel so bad for people who had to watch it, I'm really sorry, I said a bad word, I set the house on fire, I probably put you in destress, I'm so sorry, really. Bye."
I put it onto my new laptop and started to edit. I wanted to add music, I wanted to add a description but I couldn't be bothered, and I was on the verge of quitting.

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