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Squids POV

I was lying by the television. Nicole lay in my arms and our cat, Church, lay in hers.
The phone suddenly ran. I rushed up to it.
"Hi, David?" It was Beth,
"Beth, how is Jo-"
"Lee is dead."  Her voice was shaking.
I froze,
"Did I heard you right?"
"Joe shot him."
My mouth dropped,
"W- Where?" I put my fingers through my hair In stress.
"At our house." She sighed,
"I'll.. I'll be right over."
"O- okay." She hung up.
I dropped the phone on the ground.
Nicole looked at me,
"What now?" She muttered,
"Joe just shot him." Her eyes widened, I was too in shock to speak,
"Lee Carson, he's dead."
"Oh my god." She got up,
"I'm going to their house, I'll be back by tonight."
She ran up to me and kissed me on the lips, "be careful." She whispered, "please."
"Have I ever?" I smiled back at her, "I love you."

When I pulled up at their drive I saw about five police cars there, a body bag and police men lifting it into one of their cars. I ran over to where I saw Beth and Joe, who was sitting in his wheel chair. When Beth saw me she immediately ran up to me,
"Beth what the hell is going on?!" I asked, panicked.
"Speak to him," she pointed at Joe, I put a hand on her shoulder before walking to Joe.
I trekked towards him, my footsteps crunching in the stones.
"Joe-" I began,
"I know, I killed someone." He sighed,
"Joe this is serious!" I yelled, I put my hands on his shoulders.
"He killed fifty!" He yelled, "I killed one!"
"Well that makes fifty-one dead!." I muttered,
"Look at her!" He yelled, pointing at Beth who sat crying out in the garden,
"He tried to rape her! He went at us both with a gun!" His eyes were bright and glistening, "think of the flashbacks of Melanie she was having!"
I recalled seeing her and Joe at the hospital. She was covered in scars and bruises.. I recalled the love they had for each other.
I put my hand on this shoulder,
"Joe just-" I saw Lees body being dragged away, I looked down at Joes bloody hands.
"Go wash your hands." Joe stared at me, then looked at his hands, he then wheeled himself away.

I walked over to Beth. Her eyes were wet and her cheeks were red.
"Beth." I sat down on the grass beside her, putting my arm around her shoulder,
"I know, I'm sorry, I should be happy he was such a bad man but-" she wiped a tear away,
"It's just the shock, really." She ran her fingers through her hair, "didn't think he'd ever do that, I didn't think he was that kind of person."
I hugged her and I felt her relax slightly,
"You and Joe wanna spend the night at my place?" I asked, hoping they would,
"You've got enough to bother with." She replied,
"No, not really." I replied,
"Alright then," she sighed,
"Hey." I said, touching her face, "you never could have known, if he didn't kill him then something worse could have happened later on."
"I suppose.. But it's just.."
"I know, Beth. I know..." I patted her back as she cried on my shoulder, I noticed Joe wheeling himself out of the front door. He looked at us hugging, then looked down towards the ground.
The police then walked up to us.
"Joe won't be charged for this, though he did not have a license to kill, we will not persecute him as this was an act of self defence. We all know you have been through enough." One woman said, I looked at him and nodded,
"We have taken the gun away and we will try to avoid court meetings interfering with this situation, however this will most likely be on the news." I shivered,
"You can't have his name on the news because of this," I said, "he's famous for being a child-friendly person and he's loved by millions."
"We will see what we can do." She said, before walking away.
The police then left, the camera crew moved in. They filmed Joe covering his face then trying the wheel away.
"Please don't!" He moaned, wheeling himself into the house.
I looked as they practically chased him into his house. Beth and I continued to lie on the grass until the crew had enough footage to move on.
Joe wheeled out to us.
"Jesus, I'm out of breath." He sighed, I gave a short laugh,
"Wanna come home stay at mine tonight? We'll get y'all sorted." I offered,
"Sure yeh, I'll go get my things."
Beth ran off, "okay maybe she'll get them." He said, he then struggled out of his wheelchair onto the grass beside me.
"How's the leg?" I asked, looking at it.
He pulled up his trousers and undid his bandage to reveal that it was starting to heal slightly.
"Still really painful," he said, doing up his bandage. He then lay down on his back on the grass.
"God. What have I done with my life." He sighed, covering his face.
"Your a good man, Joe. Just keep remembering that." I said,
"I'm not now, am I?"
"Think about if you hadn't of killed him. People would potentially hate you for not killing him, something worse could have happened, Beth could have died, you could have died!" He looked up at me,
"I'll spend the rest of my life trying to tell myself that.."
"Try not to think about it, Joe. Move on. Go get married, go enjoy life." Beth came running out with a bag of their things, I helped Joe back onto his wheelchair and into the back of my car.
We drove home to my house and I think that they liked it better here.
They felt safe.
An unpopulated area. Quiet. No reporters to be seen.
Joe walked over to me,
"Thanks mate. You're amazing. You've always been amazing, despite all the pain and hazard I've caused you, you've stuck with me. Thanks."
I smiled, "I'd do it again in a heart-beat mate."
I walked into my bedroom to see Nicole.
"Hi love." I said, sitting on the bed beside her and kissing her.
She blankly smiled.
"What's up?" I asked her.
She looked sad. "Oh.. Nothing."
"Nothing?" I was confused. Was she hiding something from me?
"I feel a bit ill. Do you mind if I take a rest?"
"Sure, sure. Get better, love." I kissed her on the cheek.
"I will.. Meet me in bed."
I walked outside the room and sat back down with Beth and Joe again.

Nicoles POV

A tear ran down my eye.
This was it.

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