The Opinion

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Stampys POV

I woke up, Beth was asleep on the chair beside me, her face was glowing and her eyes were shut. Her hair was soft and her jumper was low and loose.
I felt OK, but embarrassed.
First of all because I fell asleep on a live stream.
Second of all because I almost got arrested on a livestream.
Third of all because I went shopping on a livestream.
Fourth of all because I set my house on fire, on a livestream.
Fifth of all because I swore on a livestream.
Sixth of all because Beth had to comfort my subscribers on a livestream.
Seventh of all because Beth had to ring the ambulance on a livestream.
Eighth of all because my computer smashed, which the livestream was on.
Ninth of all because people are worried about me from the livestream.
Tenth of all... I DID A LIVESTREAM,
I took out my camera to do a livestr- wait what? No!! Nonono! What no!
Let me rephrase that...
I took out my camera to do a vlog to apoligise.
Well, the camera wasn't mine, it was Beth's.

"Hi this is Stamp...." When I saw my face I was happy to see that I was starting to heal.
"-hello this is Stampy and if you didn't watch the livestream you don't need to watch this video you could be spending it watching some other videos, or something. But your probably going to continue watching because of the state of me. For those of you who watched the livestream you'll know how stupid I am, and that I shouldn't have streamed I'm just so incredibly stupid I-" tears rolled down my face when I remembered what was in that house, that is now burned to the crisp, probably. All because I streamed.
I was shocked when two big arms were wrapped around me, and soft tears landed on my face.
"Joe your not stupid." Beth whispered, "your not."
"Every livestream i do goes badly." I said,
"Every livestream? That's the first one that has went badly!"
I took a moment to realise this, but I swore that there was a livestream I had done in the past where something happened to me. I swore.
Or maybe that was just a dre-
Flash backs, I saw Beth lying dead in a hospital bed, I saw myself lying dead. I saw... I saw David drenched in blood under the wheel of a bus.. I saw.. I saw everything...

I opened my eyes, the flash backs were gone, what happened. What is happening?what?! Who what where why?! When...

"Joe?" Beth asked, looking concerned.
I realised I was sweating.
"Ill get you some water." She said, leaving me alone.

I swear I had seen those flash backs before.
I swear.

Stampys POV

I sat up on my bed, I felt OK. I decided I should start walking again. So I did.
I slowly but surely stood up on the ground and began to walk. It was easy, just like nothing had happened to me, apart from the slight pain on my shoulder and my face.
"Oh, look at you Joe! Your doing very well, take it easy!" Charrise said, walking down the corridor into another room.
I smiled, I then turned to Beth who had just came back with a jug of water.
I drank the whole jug within minutes then desperately needed the toilet.
I walked to the toilet which was just beside where Charrise was, did what I needed to do and looked at myself in the mirror.
I saw a tall, curly haired 'thing' my hair was all horrible and covered in dried blood and ash, and my face was starting to peel.
"Kill me now.." I sighed, walking out of the door.
"Beth I need to make a video." I declared,
"I have to-"
"Joseph no!" Beth pointed at my bed, I suddenly felt shocked and slightly scared. When I am called Joseph it's either because I'm at a formal meeting or because I'm being told off.
"Beth I have to." I got out her camera,
"Well I'm not gonna let you. I told everyone not to expect another video from you for another month. So don't you dare go making videos and acting as if nothing has happened! Because it has! Ok?! It definitely has happened and you can't change the past!" She said, terrifying me.
"You've to go to court tomorrow.. I'll go get you something to wear, I don't think anything in your house has survived so.. Yeh. What do you think you'll wear?"
"Whatever. I don't care."
"I'll get you a pink barbie suit.." She moaned, rolling her eyes then leaving.
So that's her when she's angry. Why is she angry? Oh. I know. Because I'm stupid. I'm SO STUPID!

I had to rebel. I had to make a short video. But Beth would kill me, because videos are always there she would definitely see it.. I needed something that would go up for a bit then disappear... Oh no. Oh god no.
A livestream.

"Hello this is st-"
"What the hell do you think your doing?!" Oh no. Beth hadn't left yet. Shit shit shit shit.
She clomped towards me. I ended the livestream. It only had like 10 views anyway.
She took the camera off me, rage built up inside of me,
"Listen Beth." I had to be angry with her, "this is my YouTube channel! I should be allowed to make YouTube videos whenever I want to. And you can't stop me from doing that, ok I know your upset but just, Let me tell them how I am, Jesus!" I felt good for letting out some steam. But bad because I was getting into a fight.
"Joe what the hell, seriously! You can't let them see you like this! Five year olds! No, just no! Get a life." She turned her back to me, my mouth dropped,
"Now hold on a second!" "Hold on a bloody second!"
"Why should I hold on to someone like you!" Beth yelled.

Something inside of me snapped.
I couldn't speak after that.
Beth left.
Leaving me. In tears, empty, and unattached.
Were we... Finished? Aren't we a thing anymore?

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