The Truth

176 11 13

Stampys pov

I lay in a wheelchair. My eyes were drowned in tears, my leg and been numbed and bandaged. It still burned.
"How much will it take to have a normal life again." Netty whispered, "I'd do anything."
"All I wanted was a happy, traditional, fun wedding." She cried, "look at you!" She raised a hand, "this is my fault!" She hugged me, "it's my fault over fifty people died yesterday! And you are on a wheelchair."
"Nets." I soothed, "ssh." I patted her back. "The only persons fault it is, is Lee's."
"He shot you, but not the fifty other." Tom said,
"He had a bomb." I said,
"Has Lee been found yet?" I asked,
"His car was found abandoned on the side of the road, must have taken a runner." Tom replied,
"Shit. Suppose they're looking for him."

All of a sudden cameras came in,
"For gods sake." I said,
"No. Jesus no I can't do this. I can't do this.." David said. Covering his face.
My stomach was tense with fear. Nothing like this had ever happened to us.
"Hello is it possible if we can interview one of you?" A polite young man said,
"What will you ask us." Netty said,
"If you had invited Lee Carson, if you knew he was coming, what exactly happened."
"I'll tell you." I said, wheeling forwards. My leg was in extreme pain,
"But is it possible that you couldn't put me on the news?"
"Yes yes, just tell me what happened and I can say it."
"Lee was not invited, in fact he was in prison for the last few years and he must of literally just got out, I saw him just as the wedding had finished and I went up to him, he showed me a remote which he insisted was a bomb, then he forced me to have him in a video again, I refused so he shot me in the leg and drove off. Then he must have blown up the church and killed a lot of our friends and family." The man thanked me, then said exactly what I said in a nutshell to the cameras. The cameras then quickly panned over us.

We all left the hospital, even me. I wheeled myself into Davids car with the help of him and Beth. We went the demolished remains of the church. -a crime scene-

I saw everything. Destroyed.
I saw blood, I saw dead bodies, I saw bricks, I saw the ruins of my car, I saw... How does it matter anymore.
The police had fenced it off and were carrying body bags with our lost friends inside.
"Find him!" I yelled, needing to find Lee so much. I needed to see him.
I didn't want him to go to prison.
I didn't want to stay in prison for the rest of his life.
I wanted to get a gun.
And I wanted to kill him.

I saw one particular body being dragged away, David ran towards it.
"ash!" He wailed,
"No!" I tried to wheel myself to him, but I was held back by Beth,
"No!" She cried,
"He saved my life!"
"Joe just.." They unzipped the bag, to see Ash's squashed and bloody face.
"Jesus Christ. Oh my god... Oh my god." I covered my face where my eyes had practically melted and dripped down. It scarred me for life.

"I quit." I said, "I quit."
"Find the son-of-a-bitch and kill him."
Beth looked in shock at me,
"He doesn't deserve to live." I said, "he ruined too many people's lives."
"Melanie or him. Who would you keep alive?" She whispered.
I hesitated. Gulped. I stared at her.
"I-" I stuttered.
"You'd rather keep Melanie alive."
"Joe, I would too. After this."

We went home together in a taxi.
I broke down into tears. Ash saved my life. Now he was dead. I never gave him back the favour. Loads of people had died, and I was on the verge of cutting my leg off I was in so much pain.
Beth rested her head on my shoulder, I let all my tears go.
"I can't do this anymore.. I'm done. " I said, "I'm done with PG, I'm done with child friendly, I'm done with fame." I took a deep breath, "I'm done with YouTube." She kissed my cheek,
"I'm done too."

We arrived at our house, I wheeled myself up to the front door. Luckily there was a slope to go up.
I wheeled myself inside.
I sat down on the steps, folded up my wheelchair and tried to hop up the stairs, ignoring the consistent and deadly pain.
Once I got up to my bedroom I sat down in bed. Beth lay down beside me.
"You ready?" I asked, taking out a camera, Beth put it on a tripod at the end of the bed so we didn't have to hold anything.
"Hello, this is a video I'm sure a lot of you have been dreading. But I've had enough." I didn't bother whipping the tears away.
"YouTube has helped me meet many amazing friends, but it has made me ruin my real friends lives, and my families." I took a deep breath. "Your probably wondering why we are both crying and it's because, you remember Lee, right? A couple years ago he was sentenced to jail and he recently got out in time for my sisters wedding. He shot me in the leg then after we left he blew up the place." I noticed more tears streaming down my face,
"Fifty people died. Fifty people. Because of him. Because of YouTube." I wiped my tears,
"I quit." I cried, scruffing my hair, "I've had enough, and I don't want anyone else to get hurt." Beth put her hand on my shoulder,
"It's gone too far."  Beth said, joining in.
"I'm not carrying on with YouTube either." She took a deep breath,
"I know it's not for me to say, but Ashdubh died. As did a lot of Stampys family and friends." She stood up and moved the camera,
"Just look at his leg! He's been shot!" I slowly tried to move my leg, hurting it.
"We have went through too much. So please let us go." She said, I lifted the camera.

I ended the video,
"I've just ended my life," I cried,
"You don't have to upload it till your certain. "
"Will I ever be certain?!" I ran my fingers through my hair.
Beth put her legs on the outside of mine, she leaned in beside me and kissed my lips.
Livestream! is the livestream on.... Is this Nicole... Where am I? Is Beth alive?
Meet me in bed... Meet me in bed...
"Beth I can't do this." I admitted,
"I am getting flashbacks of dreams and-" my vision went blank.

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