Part 1

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  • Dedicated to Jordy Isabelle Broadbere

Chapter 1


I stood here in the comfortable darkness, the gentle breeze blowing my hair as it goes by. My mission had seemed simple: capture Princess Vasilisa and Rosemarie Hathaway and return them to St Vladimir's. Standing here, memories of my family came rushing by. I still felt bad for leaving my family behind in Russia but I needed the job. I've been dreaming of becoming a guardian ever since I could remember and now I had the chance it doesn't seem like the fairy tale job I always thought it was. There are a lot more complications to it. My shoulder length messy, dark brown hair blew in my face as another windy breeze blew by. I tried to style it back in place but there was a bit that can never be put back. As I was concentrating on my hair, I captured a movement in the apartment that I was supposed to be guarding.

I squinted as I tried to see what was happening in the apartment. My Dhampir sighting can only offer little vision. I stood there ready and alert just in case it was a Strigoi attack. I could not risk the life of Princess Vasilisa Dragomir. She was the last Dragomir bloodline and the school went to so much trouble as to send an elite group of guardians out in the human world in search of her. Strigoi are very dangerous and twisted versions of what the humans called vampires. They were everything humans described evil vampires to be but worse.

Strigoi are created not made. They're evil vampires that lurk out in shadows to capture victims and drink from them. The only way a Strigoi can be created is by a Moroi willingly killing a victim during feeding or by force. Strigoi would grab a victim, drink from them until they were nearly dead and then feed the victim their own blood. Most humans and Moroi volunteered to become a Strigoi because of the advantages that come with being a Strigoi. While Strigoi are evil and twisted, they are also fast, have super senses, strength and are incredibly difficult to kill. A Strigoi's worst enemy: a Dhampir.

I could only see what my eyes could offer me, the princess was screaming and y Dhampir ears could catch a bit of the princess' best friend's words. She was somehow trying to calm the princess down, like trying to wake her up from a terrible nightmare. The light was finally turned on and I could now see clearly. I could see their surroundings and I could also almost feel the even that was taking place. The princess was terrified, as was her meant to be Guardian. This was serious and something needed to be done fast.

The Guardian on duty with me stopped me as I tried to go up to the apartment by myself so I could protect the princess. Alongside me, well trained Guardians and I have been travelling for months trying to find Princess Vasilisa Dragomir and Rosemarie Hathaway. These two have been missing for two years and no one knows for certain why they left or how they managed to escape a well-guarded elite school. I stepped back into the shadows to avoid being detected just as I saw the change in mood and conversation between Rosemarie and Princess Vasilisa. The two seemed to be in some sort of conflict which made question what was going on in the apartment. As I was about to take a step towards the apartment, I saw Princess Vasilisa take a bite on Rosemarie's neck. I instantly looked away as I realised the event that was occurring right before my eyes.

The Princess was feeding on Rosemarie which is very wrong. I tried not to think about what was happening and instead tried to focus on something else. This was reminding me of my family back in Russia. My mother was what we call a "Blood Whore". Blood Whores are much disrespected Dhampir women who decide not to become Guardians and instead, raise their children and give blood to Moroi men during sexual intercourse. Giving blood is very unnatural to the Vampire world unless you're a "Feeder" ( Humans who voluntarily give blood to Moroi to keep them alive/ going.) it is wrong of me to think of Rosemarie as a Blood Whore because her intentions were good but I just couldn't stop my mind from wondering it.

As the princess finished feeding, she stepped into another room leaving Rosemarie all alone in the room, lying on the bed, captured by the effect of the endorphins Vampire bites left. The black cat that stood on the window sill hissed at me and then to Rosemarie. Rosemarie stood to try and calm the cat as it seemed to be annoying her. As soon as she stepped up to the window, the cat looked over towards me leading Rosemarie's gaze towards mine. I stared into those beautiful eyes of hers, it seemed as though time froze. The other Guardian on duty tagged me advising me to step back into the shadows and avoid detection even though it was already too late. I stepped back anyway leaving Rosemarie with a confused look etched on her face.

"We need a plan and we need one fast," Said one of the Guardians.

"We should wait for them to go outside; then take the chance to capture them and return them safely behind the gates of Saint Vladimir," I suggested. "After all, they will have to go outside at some point."

The other Guardians seemed to agree with me so we went along with the plan. After a while, we heard the front door of the apartment open. This was our chance and we weren't going to let it pass. Princess Vasilisa and Rosemarie were escaping and we needed to capture them before we lost them again. We hurried behind, catching up to them. The endorphins seemed to be taking their toll on Rosemarie and this was giving us an advantage. It was slowing her down and we needed that. Rosemarie seemed to be telling the Princess to hurry.

Finally, we caught up to them, stopping them in their tracks. Rosemarie, acting all protective, stepped in front of Princess Vasilisa so we could not reach her. Did she seriously think she could take all of us on?

"Leave her alone," Rosemarie growled. "Don't touch her."

I held out my hand in a calming manner trying to sooth her. I started to slowly walk forward as I continued to try and calm her.

"I'm not going to - ," I tried to say as peacefully as possible, but it seemed she did not get the message as she tried to attack. You see, the problem with the way she sprang towards me was that she was not trained and fumbled on the way. I struck back as quick as a cobra leaving her to stumble back and nearly fall.

I didn't mean to hurt her but I had to do something first. Just as quickly as I had blocked her, I reached out and stopped her from falling. I looked into her eyes and for the first time, I noticed how beautiful she was. I stood frozen and distracted as I examined her beauty that I forgot to release her. She had long, beautiful, silky dark brown hair that almost looked black. She had big, dark brown beautiful eyes that looked brave and fierce. She had curves and a beautiful body that every Dhampir woman had. Her features almost matched mine, same dark brown eyes, hair and same tanned skin. As I realised I still hadn't let her go and that she was trying to break from my hold, I released her. I knew she wasn't about to step down and neither was I.

I came on a mission to try and protect the Princess and I wasn't about to let her escape once more. As Rosemarie was about to attack again, Princess Vasilisa grabbed her hand to stop her.

"Rose," Princess Vasilisa said quietly.  "Don't."

Rosemarie looked into the Princess' jade green eyes and the two seemed to look as though they were communicating through mind reading. It was then I realised that these two shared a special connection: a bond. I never thought it was possible, it was mentioned in ancient stories but I never believed it to be true. As Rosemarie stepped down, I focused my attention on the Princess ready to reveal myself.

"My name is Dimitri Belikov," I said with the faint of my Russian accent. "I've come to take you back to St. Vladimir's Academy, Princess."


Next chapter coming soon, please leave a comment telling me what you thought, your opinion matters and don't forget to vote :)
Shout out to WritingNeverSleeps for the amazing cover xxx

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