Part 12

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Chapter 12


I was going to sit next to Rose in class but thought better of it. It didn't look like she wanted any one else besides Lissa sitting beside her. Instead I sat at the back of the classroom. Eddie walked in and sat beside me.

"How are you holding up?" Eddie asked. I looked towards him completely confused. What was he going on about? "You haven't heard yet?" He continued. I shook my head and he displayed this facial expression that was hard to understand.

"What haven't I heard yet?" I asked. He looked away not wanting to answer my question. I became really suspicious. I was about to press the situation further when Mr Stan walked in. I gave him a look that said I would ask later. Mr Stan began the lesson on foxes and mating. It wasn't such a good topic because of what had occurred with Lissa a couple of days ago.

I hadn't believed anyone when they said she had planned the whole thing. There was no way Lissa would harm a creature, yet slit it and put it in her dorm room. Rose had also been so worried sick about Lissa and wouldn't stop checking on her. So you could see why I wouldn't believe anyone when they gossiped about Lissa.

I looked down at Rose and I noticed that her and Lissa were passing notes. It seemed like they were talking about something serious. I shrugged it off and went back to listening to the teacher speak about animals. My problem was that I wasn't actually listening. I knew I should have been listening, but I just couldn't get myself to. I was too captured by the way Rose's hands gripped her pen so firmly. Her hand moved along the page so slowly.

Her hair would sway a little when she had to move her hand to the beginning of a new line. The way her mouth would slowly form into a smile but soon disappear so that no one would notice.

"God Mason, if you're going to continue watching her like she's bacon you should at least not make it so obvious," Eddie shook her head at my ridiculousness. I blushed in embarrassment and went back to looking at the teacher. It wasn't that far into the lesson when Mr Stan captured Lissa and Rose. He took the note that they had been passing between them and began to read it out loud to the class.

" 'J and I made out last night,' the one with the terrible writing wrote," he said. My heart sank when I realised it was Rose who had written that. So that's why she was in such a hurry yesterday. Later on when the whole class found out it was Jesse who was the mysterious 'J' my heart was heart broken. So Rose was now seeing Jesse? She was seriously seeing Jesse Zeklos?

All this time I was suspecting her of falling for Guardian Belikov she was actually going for Jesse. Out of all the guys in this school she had to go for him?

"Mason, calm down," I heard Eddie whisper. I looked at him and realised that this was what he had been talking about at the beginning of class. Why hadn't he told me as soon as he had found out?

"Actually, I heard that she had sex with Jesse and Alf," Mia spoke up. She had a smug expression on like she had been waiting a long time to use this against Rose. "No I didn't," Rose defended herself.

"It's true," Alf stood up, "Jesse and I did it with Rose. She even let us drink blood from her." Everyone gasped in surprise. Including me.

"I told you all she was a blood whore," Mia smirked. My head was all over the place. I was trying to contemplate what was going on. Was Rose really what they said? I mean, Rose used to make out with a lot of boys before she left but there was never once when she had gone even close to sleeping with them. I was interrupted by a scream. I looked around and saw Alf engulfed in flames. He was screaming and jumping about, trying to take out the flames.

Mr Stan called Christian Ozera's name, telling him to stop. The flames that had been engulfing Alf, soon disappeared. There wasn't even a trace of a burned mark on him.

"Headmistress' office, now," Mr Stan said. Christian walked out with a smirk.

The class broke out into conversation, discussing what had just occurred. Christian was a massive topic but that was soon changed when Mia began speaking about Rose and what had occurred with Alf and Jesse. The teacher brought the class back to its senses and went back to teaching like nothing had occurred.

"Mason, don't think too much into it," Eddie warned me. Despite what Eddie had just said, I still thought about it. Rose going for two guys in one night? That didn't seem like her at all. Why would she do it? I know I shouldn't have been jumping to conclusions but I just couldn't help myself. You weren't there. You don't actually know what occurred. My subconscious told me. I sighed deeply and tried to distract myself.

When the bell rang to signal the end of the class, I packed my books very quickly. I needed to speak to Rose and I knew I wouldn't be receiving another chance anytime soon. As I saw Rose and Lissa leave the classroom I grabbed my bag and tried to follow after them but was stopped by Eddie.

"Eddie, let me go. I need to talk to her," I said in frustration. He still didn't let me go and I was getting very irritated. Eddie pulled me into the hallway away from all the prying eyes. He let go of me and stared at me. "You can't go after her," he said.

"And why may that be?" I asked curiously.

"She's very upset and I don't think she would want to speak to anyone but Lissa at the moment," he simply replied.

"And you know this how exactly?" I snapped. Eddie sighed. He knows I could be a massive bigot when it came to moments like these. "Anyone can tell that she doesn't want to see anyone," he said.

"Just because you lost your chance with her doesn't mean you have to try and do the same for me," I snapped really loudly.

I got a few stares by students passing by. I looked back at Eddie and noticed the hurt in his eyes. "Eddie, I'm so sorry," I said apologetically. I can't believe I had just said that to him. He walked past me without saying a word and walked away. I punched the wall in frustration. Why did I have to say that to him? I knew how much the topic about his crush on Rose hurt him. So why did I bring it up? Because you are hurt and you wanted to hurt him as well. My mind said with a 'duh' tone.

I can't believe I hurt my best friend just because I was.

{A/N: Sorry if I got things wrong. I haven't read the books in a long time.}

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