Part 5

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Chapter 5


"Sit down," the woman said. I did as I was told and sat anxiously in the head master's office wondering what she wanted to discuss. "I was just checking to see how Rosemarie was progressing with her training and school work," Headmistress Kirova explained.

I was caught in a double dilemma. I wondered if I should up front report what I've observed or create a cover story based on bits of the truth.

"She's been making remarkable progress though I fear she may be behind in her school as she has missed two years of her education. But I believe she is a hard working student and will surprise all of us in the end," I said, the Russian accent clear in my voice.

"Anything else I should know about?" She curiously questioned. I was not about to admit to the head master I was falling for a student. It's only been 3 weeks since her arrival at the academy and I'm already having a school boy crush on her. She's a student for goodness sake Dimitri. Everytime I would tell myself.

Being around her made the feelings harder to deal with and I was contemplating whether I should go on a break for a week or two. "Guardian Belikov?" The headmistress asked. I could now see that my silence had given her the wrong signal. She believed I was not handling Rosemarie very well and had trouble controlling her. That statement was completely true but admitting this to the headmistress was like walking into a haunted house whilst

knowing it's haunted.

"No. No, she's not much of a fuss and I've got someone who is able to assist her with catching up on her education. That is if I have your consent to allow her 30 minutes of visitors," I serenly said. She sighed and waved her hand as she said, "I suppose."

With that, I stood up and walked outside of her office and towards the dorms. There was someone I needed to speak to and this seemed like an appropriate time.

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