Part 31

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Chapter 31

"Eddie can you please stop? You don't need to tell Rose off!" I yelled after Eddie as he made his way towards Rose's door. I regretted telling him just how much it had hurt me to have Rose blow me off. Yes she had been my date to the dance and she did leave me to go wherever she went, but that didn't mean my best friend had to march over to her room and tell her off. She wasn't in the right mind for all of this. I knew she was currently in trouble after her punching Mia in the nose. That was one hell of a punch.

"Mason she has hurt you way too far. You can't keep letting her hurt you like this," Eddie said with no emotion in his voice. What was going on with him? It didn't seem like the Eddie that I knew. Something was off about him, I just knew it.

Soon enough we arrived to her dorm room but before Eddie got the chance to knock, he froze at the sudden sound coming from inside. It sounded like Rose was panicking - as if something had happened.
"I have to go find Dimitri," she said before the door was swung open. Rose didn't even acknowledge our presence as she made a dash in a different direction. She had on a panicked look as she kept going in the direction of the guardian dorms. We followed closely behind her calling out her name but she never once took a look in our direction. It was as if she were hypnotised. Why did she have to go find Dimitri anyway? If something bad had happened, why didn't she just go straight to Kirova? Or even me? I was not understanding why she'd go to find consult within him - someone she had known for a couple of months - rather than me who she has known for years.

She stopped near a door and knocked heavily against it. The door was opened and we could hardly hear what the conversation was about as we were hiding behind a corner. She walked in and the door was closed behind her.

"Let's go closer," Eddie suggested as he began to make his way over but soon stopped as he saw I wasn't following. I was hesitating, I didn't want to go spy because I was afraid of what I'd hear. There's a saying that curiosity killed the cat, I wasn't quite sure what it meant but I knew it applied to this current situation. Some matters are just better off left alone. Did I want to know what Rose was doing in Dimitri's dorm? Yes. Was I ready to find out the reason? No. No matter what it was, I'm sure it was nothing to worry about.

"Mason come on, Dimitri could be seducing Rose or forcing her to do stuff she doesn't want to," Eddie informed.

"No he wouldn't do that, there's no way Guardian Belikov would do something like that," I defended. He really wouldn't try to do something like that right? No he really wouldn't. I trusted Guardian Belikov, I looked up to him. I don't think I was ready to be betrayed by someone who I absolutely idolised. My faith was wavering, after all I hadn't known him for long. For all we know he could be a criminal that ostensibly appears as a Samaritan.

Eddie rolled his eyes at my ridiculousness as he made his way towards the door leaving me standing here on my own. He began listening in, his eyebrows furrowing. I was curious as to what he was hearing but I still didn't dare try to go there. Eddie took out his phone and pressed a few buttons, putting the phone against the door. If I knew him, he was most likely recording their conversation which got me even more curious. With that, I decided to join Eddie. I was way too curious.

"For the record, this is a totally bad idea," I whispered to Eddie. He looked at me with a smirk before he put his ear back to the door listening to the conversation. I decided to do the same.

"You didn't take long taking that dress off," Rose said impressed. What? Dresses were off?

"I did like that dress," Dimitri said, "I loved it." He did something which received a small groan from her. What were they doing in there? They couldn't possibly be..? No it couldn't be. I was not ready to accept the fact. Rose and Dimitri were sleeping together, I just knew it. I decided to not listen to any of it further as I stormed off.

"Mason," I heard Eddie whisper yell after me. I didn't turn around as I continued marching away. I couldn't believe this. I wasn't quite familiar with the feeling that was rising within my chest. Maybe it was a broken heart, anger or the feeling of betrayal. Out of all the guys Rose had been with, this got to me the most. It wasn't because he was her mentor, it was because he was someone that I had looked up to. Someone who I wanted to be like. Someone who I now definitely wished I was because not only did he have the job that I hope to have, he also got the girl I could only dream of having. It was so unfair. He couldn't just have everything without having to put any effort in.

"Mase where are you going?" Eddie pulled me by the arm to try and stop me but I brushed it off. Guardian Belikov - no he didn't deserve that title anymore - Dimitri, can't just have everything, he had to experience pain too.

"Mase think this over, we don't know what was happening in there, anything could have been happening. We don't know how it started or how it ended. Please don't try to ruin a man's life just because of jealousy," Eddie said after me. I still didn't listen as I continued walking towards Kirova's office.

"God dammit Mason," Eddie grabbed me and pinned me against a wall. I struggled trying to get out of his hold but he didn't budge. He looked me straight in the eyes with a stern expression. "Don't ruin his job out of pure envy. You don't know his life story. This job could be his only way of supporting his family. I know how you feel remember I like her too but that doesn't mean I will go and report one of the best guardians out there just because of a few seconds of conversation that I heard. You can go ahead and report him but just know if what we heard in there is really what we think, then be prepared to have Rose hate you for the rest of her life."

With that, Eddie walked off leaving me staring at the ground. He made sense, I knew he did. That's why I decided not to report Dimitri because after all, Rose would be in trouble too. I was only doing this for Rose, I didn't care about Dimitri and he sure as hell was not someone I would ever see the same way ever again.

A/N: To be honest I have no clue what I just wrote. I kinda just put crap down and hoped it turned out good. I hope you guys enjoyed this plot twist :)))

~ Bertha99

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