Part 26

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Chapter 26

He walked over to the doorway and hugged me. I began to cry, letting out every single heart break and misery I ever felt.

I don't quite know how long we stayed like that but I know I felt good. It was refreshing knowing there was someone willing to be there for me in my hardest times. His hug was so comforting and in his arms I was able to relax. When Rose had approached me earlier telling me about Lissa pitying me, I wanted it to badly be false. Although I had been skeptical of Rose, a part of me knew she had been speaking the truth. She is Lissa's best friend so I didn't see why she'd lie. That wasn't the worse part though, Lissa confirming Rose's words is what hurts. The fact that she felt the need to lie and lead me on. The fact that this whole time I thought she had genuine feelings for me, I thought there was something real going on between us. Her sweet words which turned to be ostensibly sharp daggers.

"Don't you know I care a lot about you?" she cried. The words she had spoken to me - they replayed themselves over and over again. These words made me question whether she had been speaking the truth. I really did love her and I wanted to believe with everything I have that she wouldn't hurt me like that. I just didn't see why she would invest so much time and care into me only to play me. It felt too far fetched.

"Ready to talk about it now?" Eddie inquired. I pulled away from him; looked at his sincere smile and nodded. I felt ready to speak to someone about it. We walked to his bed and sat down. I began explaining what occurred earlier with Lissa.

"So for the past week Lissa and I have been getting along really well. The other day we both came clean about our feelings and had an intense make out session. It felt amazing in that moment, like finally this horrible world was being in my favour. Unfortunately, I found out this morning that she had been using me all along," I sniffled a little, the memories all flooding through my mind. Eddie pat me on the back.

"There, there," He said.

"I can't believe I thought my life was finally going to be less horrible," I laughed hysterically. Eddie looked at me with a concerned expression.

"Did she say to you that she had been using you?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Did she follow you when you confronted her about it?" He asked once more, I nodded. He smiled at me. It was the most warm smile.

"Dude, she likes you. I don't know much about relationships and girls but I know enough to tell you that Lissa definitely likes you and in no way was she using you," he confirmed. Although this made me feel better a little, I still felt like he had been just saying that. She didn't exactly deny it when I confronted her. Why would Rose lie anyway? I don't think Rose has any reason to.

"It's okay, everything will work out, you'll see," he reassured. I hadn't realised I was crying again until Eddie put his arm around my shoulders, bringing me closer to him.

"Hey Eddie do you.....Oh," Mason said as he barged through the door. I began wiping the tears from my eyes. I wasn't much of a crier and I wasn't that comfortable around Mason. Upon witnessing my sad smile, he walked up to where Eddie and I were situated and sat down.

" okay?" He asked slowly and awkwardly.

I smiled at him, "Yeah I'll be okay." From the tone he had used when barging in the door earlier, it had seemed like he was in a vibrant mood and I was not about to ruin that for him. He didn't need my dramas ruining his day. Mason shrugged as he stood and walked to his wardrobe. He began rummaging through clothing trying to find something.

"What are you doing?" Eddie asked him out of curiosity.

"Looking for a tux to wear the dance....with Rose," he said with a smile. He looked lost in his thoughts, a goofy smile placed on his face as he began grabbing clothing and throwing them onto his bed.

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