Part 25

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Chapter 25
Frustration was flowing through me. I could not believe him. Did Jessie seriously think his little white lies were going to go unnoticed? If he thought that then he must really not know me. He did not want to mess with me. I walked up to him with my fists clutched by my side, my teeth clenched and my face scrunched. I grabbed him by the shirt with my right hand and held him up against the wall of the commons.

"Why did you make up those lies?" I yelled at him. I pushed him further against the wall. There was no way was I going to let him get away with what he did.

"What are you talking about?" He questioned. I pressed him harder against the wall and blocked his air way.
"Hey, if you do not let him go right now I will set you on fire," his little minion threatened.

"You're going to set me on fire? Why don't you try that and see what happens?" I spat back with equal venom. I dropped Jessie back onto the floor; he sat up rubbing his sore throat. I crossed my eyes in anger.

"I know what you did; I know that you lied about drinking blood from Rose. What I don't get is why you lied about it. Start speaking," I demanded. Jessie was hesitant at first but as he looked down at my clasped fists he soon began talking.

"Okay, Mia made us," He said in a low voice whilst looking at the ground.
"I'm sorry, 'us'?" I asked in confusion.
"Ralf and I did not drink from Rose, that's true. Mia made us do it as part of her revenge. We were to make up this massive lie about Rose letting us feed from her and in return, Mia was to sleep with the both of us," Jessie explained. I looked at him in disgust. He was so unbelievable. He made up rumours about an innocent person just so he can get into a girl's panties?

"Are you serious? You ruined Rose's life just so you can get into a girl's pants?" I asked in rage.

"It was definitely worth it. Rose is a BloodWhore anyway; I don't see why you are defending her so much. Do you like her?" Ralf smirked.

"Whether I like her or not is none of your business. Now you two are going to apologise to Rose this afternoon at the dance whether you like it or not and no questions asked," I instructed as I stormed off. I couldn't stay there any longer, I felt like I was going to smash the both of them soon and it wasn't just because of the Rose situation.
I walked down the hallway and as I turned the corner, I saw Rose. My expression softened; I smiled at her and waved. She waved back with a sad smile. I frowned as I saw the tears streaming down her face.

"Rose, what's wrong?" I questioned as I approached her.
She sniffed, "Mason, I did a terrible thing."

"What kind of terrible?"

"A wrecked my best friend's relationship because I thought it was the right thing to do terrible," She said with a sob. I sighed as I pulled her towards me in a hug. She began crying into my chest, her tears drenching my shirt. I patted her on the back slowly not sure of what else to do. People walked past us giving us weird looks and whispering as they go.

"She's sleeping with him too? What a BloodWhore," A redhead said as she walked past sniggering with her friends. They gave Rose and I disgusted looks on the way. That seemed to bother me a lot so I carefully pulled Rose from my embrace and began to run after the group of girls. Rose grabbed my elbow and gave me a warning look. As soon as she dropped her hand, I ran straight after the girls.

"Excuse me; what did you just call her?" I inquired as I grabbed onto one of the girl's elbow. She looked at me weirdly as she laughed.

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