Part 29

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Chapter 29

I walked with Eddie, both our hands in the pocket of our suit pants. Neither of us wanted to go to this thing but we had no other choice. Since neither of us had a date, we decided to go together. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't too upset about it but it would have been nice to go with someone. Lissa suddenly came to mind and I shook the thought immediately. I can't be thinking about this right now. Eddie and I going together was perfect, now we were able to go confront Jessie. We had to confront Jessie. There was no way I was willing to let it go just like that, he had to know that we were aware he was stalking us. Why he was stalking us and making us seem like the criminals? I don't know. Maybe he had something to do with it and that's why he had to find someone to place the blame on.

"Eddie? Eddie wait up," we both stopped walking and spun around to face none other than Natalie Dashkov.

"Hey," Eddie greeted her as she came closer. She was short of breath, trying so desperately to find air. She must have been running for a really long time. It must have been a nightmare with that dress and heels on too.

"Here," she handed him a glistening watch. I wasn't one to be materialistic but this watch was gorgeous. Where she managed to find such a watch, I don't know but I did know that I wanted one too.

"Oh no I can't take this, this must have cost too much," Eddie tried to hand the watch back but Natalie refused with a shy smile.

"This is a gift to you from my dad, he heard about how you stopped those girls from bullying me the other day. He wanted to thank you in person but he couldn't get the time to so he gave me this to give to you," she explained, "please take it, I can't return with it or he'll feel bad."

I could sense Eddie hesitating, I didn't blame him. I don't know why but suddenly this portentous feeling suddenly rose within me. I knew it was bad to be skeptical of Natalie like that but I just couldn't help it. I felt like there was some other motive behind that watch, I just couldn't quite place my finger on it though.

"Tell your dad it's no hassle, really I don't need such an expensive watch," he smiled genuinely returning the watch to its owner. Good Eddie.

"No really it was no trouble, please accept it. I mean my father went to all that trouble to buy this for you," she said desperately. Okay there was really something fishy with that watch. What if it was a watch set to kill Eddie? No, Prince Dashkov isn't so cruel he'd do that to someone. He wouldn't right?

"Okay, say my thanks to your dad for me," Eddie smiled taking the watch from her hands once again. She smiled at him before running off and disappearing around the corner.

"Well that was strange," I stated loudly a moment after.

"Yeah she's very odd but she has a genuine heart," he said as he began walking again. He placed the watch on his right wrist. I had to admit, it looked rather good on. The feeling rose within me again but I dismissed it. Eddie was right, Natalie wouldn't do this she has one of the most genuine hearts here.

We arrived at the dance in time to witness Rose give Mason a kiss on the cheek and Mason's disappointment. Instantly I knew we weren't going to confront Jessie tonight, Mason needed Eddie by his side at the moment. This could wait.

"I'll catch you later on in the night?" Eddie asked already making his way towards his best friend. I gave a small nod before taking a different direction. It must have been nice having a friend like Eddie. He was always by Mason's side, even when Mason was being explosive. That kind of friendship, I wondered how it felt like to have one. As I continued walking, I contemplated whether I should just go to the dance or call it a night and just head to my dorm. After a few minutes, I finally decided to just attend the dance. At least it'd be better than sitting in my room alone staring at the ceiling for hours before I fell asleep.

As I arrived at the entrance of the gym, someone bumped into me. I stumbled back a little.

"Sorry I wasn't...," I stopped immediately when I realised who it was...Lissa. She was crying, what had happened? She looked at me with sorrow before running off.

"Let me go!" I heard a voice say. I peaked a look inside the gym and I could see that there was a commotion within the room. Rose was being forcibly removed by two guardians. Mia was holding her bleeding nose to the side of the room whilst she cried. The two guardians were able to escort Rose out of the place. Before she left the gym, she made eye contact with me. She gave me a look and I just stared at her.

"Go after her you idiot!" She instructed. It took me a moment to realise who her was before taking off in the direction I thought Lissa would be. If I knew any better, she'd be at the chapel. It was normal for her to go there whenever she was upset. I ran as quickly as I could, running short of breath. I couldn't stop though, I had to keep running. Finally, I reached the entrance of the chapel. I leaned against the frame, breathing in heavily. If I wanted to make it up those steps, I had to reenergise first. After a few more breaths, I was finally set and I could begin going in.

I climbed the steps two at a time, trying to get there as quickly as I could. As I got to the door, I stopped myself. I was rethinking this, I mean it wasn't too long before she broke my heart. Why was I suddenly here by her side, willing to comfort her? Because you care about her my mind told me. No that couldn't be true, I promised myself I would stop caring. That's the problem though, I can't stop caring and I wasn't willing to let myself stop just yet. I had to find out the reason why she did it first.

With that, I opened the door to the chapel. Inside, Lissa was sitting near the window sill looking out. She was quietly sniffling. I hesitantly approached her, I wasn't sure what I was meant to do from here. Was I meant to hug her? I really didn't know how to comfort people, I just wasn't used to it.

"Hey," I said lightly. She turned around slowly, pain in her eyes. My heart shattered a little at this. Okay maybe it was a lot.

"Christian," she cried, "you know I'd never purposely hurt you right?" What was she talking about? Nether less, I smiled at her sympathetically as I took the final steps to her pushing her gently to my chest. She began sobbing in my chest, the tears soaking my shirt. I slowly caressed her back. Okay so maybe I wasn't so terrible at this. This was all natural instinct though, who knew comforting someone would be this easy? It wasn't even a difficult task.

"Rose lied, I didn't use you. She thought she was protecting me by saying that but I swear I never used you. I would never, I genuinely like you," she said tilting her head back. A smile creeped onto my face, that's all I needed to hear from her. Before she was able to say another word, I quickly cupped her face and placed my lips on hers. That feeling I had missed immediately returned. The burning desire, the electricity, the goosebumps they were all back. It was an amazing feeling, being able to have her in my arms again, having her lips against mine. It was like time suddenly stopped and I was caught in a perfect moment. A smile spread on the side of my lips as the kiss deepened. I placed my hands on her waist, bringing her closer to me. I opened my mouth and caressed her lips with my tongue, asking for entrance. She opened her mouth allowing entrance. She pushed herself against me, wrapping her legs around my waist. The hem of her dress lifted up her leg.

I began to lift the hem of her dress further up her leg when I was suddenly pulled back, before I was able to comprehend what had occurred I was hit from the back and the last thing I heard was, "Christian!"

A/N: I've been in the spirit of writing lately, so my updates have been faster. I am quite sad to say the story is slowly approaching its end. As you all know, the next chapter is a Dimitri chapter and also the charm necklace scene. I really don't know how I'm going to write this since I haven't read the book in over two years, but I'll try my best. Anyway, I have great plans for the ending and just a hint, it'll be very different to the way the book ends ;)

~ Bertha99

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