Part 18

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From now on, I won't be updating until I get at least 10 votes on my last update. It's only because I'm spending so much time writing this and no one is even voting or commenting their opinions on the chapter. I'd really appreciate the feedback because it helps me to know where I'm going wrong and what I should continue doing. On a good note, here is an update.

~ Bertha 99 ~

* * " * * z * * " * * z * * " * * z * * " * * z * * " * Chapter 18

"Mason, are you okay?" Rose asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked with a feigned smile.

"You've just been really quiet, that's all," she replied. She went back to reading, knowing to give me space. I also did the same. I've been helping Rose look for some information on St Vladimir. I don't know why she would be looking that up but whatever. It was none of my business and I was going to keep it that way. With that out of my head, I went back to reading, finding any information that might be helpful for Rose.

"Hey, found something," I grabbed the book that I was currently holding and walked over to the side that she was currently sitting. I placed the book down on the table and began explaining what I found to her.

"It says here that St Vladimir had great power. He would heal people and make plants grow. He was admired by many and believed that it was what God wanted him to do. He had so much power though, that in the end he went insane," I said what I could remember.

I looked at her and saw that something I had said had gotten to her. She looked like she was in a different world. Like she was about to faint. I don't get it, what did I say? Just as I was about to ask her whether she was alright she spoke up.

"Umm yeah uh thanks. We should get going, it's getting pretty late," she said. She still didn't look like she was in this world but once again, what was happening with her was none of my business. Not only that, she also wouldn't tell me. I tried asking before.

She began to pack up her things; I walked over to the side I was sitting before and did the same. Whilst packing, I looked at her and saw that she was in deep muse. I wanted to ask her so much what was on her mind but knew no matter how many times I asked, she won't tell me.

"Are you ready?" Rose asked.

"Yeah," I smiled. I grabbed my bag and followed her out of the library to her dorm room.

Rose had let me walk her to her dorm room, only because she needed to discuss the whole St Vladimir situation to her. She wanted to know more on St Vladimir and I had offered to help. As we neared her dorm room, we both slowed down. She turned towards me and stopped walking.  "Thanks for today," she hugged me.

"No problem," I said with the biggest smile. That hug may not have meant anything to her, but it meant everything to me.

As Rose and I continued to look each other in the eyes, I began to lean into her. I don't know why, maybe I thought this was the right moment to kiss. Well wasn't I wrong. She stepped back and looked at me in awkwardness.

"Goodnight Mase, thanks again for tonight," she said.

"Yeah, no worries and have a good night," I said before walking off. As I turned the corner, I slapped myself across the face.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid," I continued to slap myself.

I was about to turn the next corner, when I heard a voice that was really familiar.

"Did they see you?" The voice said. I was guessing he was talking to someone.

"No, but I accidentally knocked a vase over and they heard me," the second voice replied.

"You're such an idiot. Why can't you do anything right?" The first voice sighed. I heard footsteps walking my way and I ran back down the corridor and started walking in the direction I was going, pretending I never heard anything.

As the mysterious voices walked around the corner, I could now see who they were...

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