Part 7

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to @spastimacated1 for reading, voting and commenting.

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Chapter 7

I walked into the attic of the school chapel and sat near the only window in the room. The sun was starting to rise and curfew was slowly approaching. I watched the sunset and it's beautiful colours. The red, orange and yellow contracted very well together. I continued to watch the sunset and I saw a ray of it come through the window.

I put my hand through it and loved the way it brought out my skin. I turned my hand in every angle in the sun ray and smiled like a fool. I love moments like these, where I forget everything in life and just smile. It's not everyday that I am able to have a reason to smile; that's why I come to the chapel.

I come here to be free of everyone. I come here to just be myself and create my own world. As crazy as that may sound, it still makes me happy. I like to create worlds where I have people to go to. A world where I have a friend who lends me their shoulder to cry on. A world like this, doesn't exist. As soon as I go back to my dorm room, I will go back to being depressed and feeling isolated. The only person I have is my aunt Tasha but now a day she's been very busy. I haven't spoken to her in a long time but she told me a couple of months ago she would be coming to the school for Christmas. She is the only family I have, so I was quite looking forward to seeing her again.

"What are you doing here?" A voice asked from the doorway, interrupting my thoughts. For a second I was afraid because I thought it was the headmistress but as I looked in the direction, I noticed it was only Lissa. I rolled my eyes at her and went back to staring out the window. "This is my place you know," she said in a matter of fact. I turned back to her and locked my eyes with hers.

"It WAS your place but now it's mine," I shrugged. She crossed her arms and scowled at me not ready to give up. "I found this place first," she said.

"Then you left and now it's mine," I rudely told her. No matter how strongly I feel for her, there was no way I was going to give up the one place that made me forget everything and be happy. She stood in the doorway looking at me in disbelief.

I sighed and got off the window sill. I wasn't in the mood to argue with anyone today and I was especially not in the mood to argue with her. I walked past her and when I was about to walk out the door, she stopped me.

"I guess you can stay if you want to," she said. She made it sound like it was a difficult decision for her to make. It was, it really was. I was known as the school psycho and anyone who was known to be friendly to me, was immediately an outcast. So for someone like her to tell me it was okay for me to hang out with her, is just wow.

Regardless of how much I would have loved to stay with her and chat, I didn't. It was too awkward with her. I didn't know how to act around her and somehow my subconscious kept telling me that I have to portray that bad boy appearance. If I was to also stay, I would end up saying something I would later regret.

"I would love to stay and 'hang out' but curfew is approaching and I need to head back," I told her. It wasn't a complete liar, curfew really was approaching. I just never really cared about breaking it.

I headed out the door living her in the attic. I didn't know if it was safe to leave her by herself in the attic where no one knew where she was but me, but somehow I wasn't as worried as I should be. Somehow I knew the minute she was in danger, someone would immediately be by her side.

Stepping out into the daylight, the hot breeze blew in my face. The sun had risen higher than I had thought.

"Is it okay if I head back to the dorms with you?" A soft velvety voice asked. I didn't even need to look back to know that it was Lissa. I had her voice memorised. I don't know why but I think it's because she -besides my aunt- is the first girl I've spoken to.

"So....?" I heard her question.

"If you want to," I casually shrugged.

We walked side by side in complete silence. I didn't know how to start a conversation with her and she didn't know how to start a conversation with me either.

"So how was your little vacation?" I asked out of nowhere. Don't judge me, it was the only thing in my head at the moment. She looked towards me and seemed to look like she was debating how much she should tell me.

"It There were a lot of partying and I gave human school a try, never going back there again," she shook her head in horror at her memories and I chortled. I hadn't realised she was looking at me until I went to look at her. She looked away in embarrassment at being caught, her cheeks going rosy pink. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion but soon shrugged it off.

"So... how did it feel to drink your best friend's blood?" I accidentally asked her. I smacked myself across the forehead and gave Lissa an apologetic look. Lissa looked at me in horror, wondering how I knew. I knew I shouldn't have let her walk with me. Now my big mouth is going to scare her away and I won't be able to speak to her ever again.

"Rose didn't feed me her blood, there were human volunteers," she assured me. She turned towards me with a smile plastered on her face. Her face seemed to glow, making her look like an angel. Her hair seemed to be blowing in an invisible wind and when she spoke her voice came out in sing-song tone.

"I didn't feed from Rose, I had human volunteers," she told me. Looking at her, I seemed to start drifting into a cloud. Whatever I had been saying had been forgotten and all I could think about was believing what she was saying.

"You didn't feed from Rose, you had human....," I shook my head and smiled at her.

"I don't know whether I should be honoured because you were using compulsion on me or if I should be outraged," I honestly revealed. She looked at me in confusion and....anger? What did I do? If she's mad because I broke out of her compulsion than she seriously needs to take a chill pill.

Walking, We soon reached the area that would break us up to go to our different dorm buildings. I stopped walking and turned to face her, she did the same. I cast my eyes everywhere but towards her. I couldn't look at her. I was too afraid of being compelled again, or was it because I just couldn't look at her? I didn't exactly have an answer for that.

"I'm sorry I used compulsion on you," I heard her mutter. I looked at her in astonishment, did she just apologise to me? No one ever apologised to me, they all thought I wasn't worthy of their apology. The only person besides Lissa and my aunt who had actually said the words 'I'm sorry' to me, was that Eddie Castile guy and he only said it because he had bumped into me. So to hear it from someone like her was just amazing.

"It's fine," I managed to finally say, after 15 minutes of staring at her. She smiled at me and started to walk away. I watched her as she walked around the corner and disappeared. I started to make my way towards my dorm when I heard her call my name.

"Christian!" I turned around and I saw her running towards me, completely out of breath. I let her have a moment to catch her breath.

"So, what's up?" I asked, as soon as her breathing had gone back to normal. She looked at me in confusion. Realisation was soon shown her face as she recalled what occurred earlier.

"Umm... I was just asking if...." She started to say.

{A/N: I'm so sorry to do this, but I need to seriously start putting cliffhangers in my fan fiction. Also remember to send in your O.C's and leave a comment or vote. It'd be highly appreciated.}

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