Part 19

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Chapter 19

"Because I like you," I told her after a while.

Lissa walked slowly towards me, her face close to mine.

"Y-you d-d-do?" She bit her bottom lip and looked away, slightly flushed. I nodded as her gaze returned back to me. She smiled and I could see that she was nervous. Does that mean she feels the same way? Not waiting for an answer, I stride towards her, closing the gap between us.

I slowly raised my hands to cup her face. Goosebumps formed along my arms at the touch of her. Her cheeks flushed even more and I could now feel the warmth they were radiating. Seeing as she hadn't pushed me off yet, my face began to slowly lean towards hers. I rested my forehead against hers and felt warm breaths come from her parted lips. My left hand slowly made its way down towards her waist, leaving trails along the way.

My hand came to rest on her waist and I could faintly hear the gasp that escaped her mouth. I leaned in even closer, not so close that our mouths touched but close enough. Our breaths mingled and from the way my heart was beating fast and loud, I knew I couldn't take this any longer. I got rid of any space that was left as I plastered my lips onto hers.

Immediately a heat wave coursed through my body. My face was turning really hot and my heart beating super fast that it was closer to jumping out of my chest. Our lips moved in sync, first slow and steady but soon turned to heavy and rough. Electricities shot through my body as Lissa placed her arms around my shoulders. I pushed her into me. My body was screaming for more of her. The way her hand trailed slowly down to my chest. Every spot she touched left goosebumps and electrifying shivers.

I pattered our lips only to leave small trials of kisses from her mouth to her neck. As I kissed her neck, I heard a moan escape from her lips. I smiled against her neck before making my way back to her mouth. Our lips went straight to the pattern that we had formed. You'd think the fireworks within my stomach would stop by now but no, they just formed bigger as each minute went by.

As Lissa pulled away slowly, I looked her in the eyes. She had a smile creeping onto her lips and her eyes sparkling. From the way she looked at me, I realised that she felt the same way. So you could guess the big goofy smile that formed itself onto my face.

"Umm... So I'm guessing you feel the same way?" I said uncertainly. She smiled as she nodded and pulled back even more. Suddenly my body felt cold and incomplete. I missed the warm feeling that Lissa left as her body hugged mine.

"Yeah," Lissa squeaked. She cleared her throat and frowned.

"O my God I meant yeah, I feel the same way. That was embarrassing," she looked away with her cheeks even more flushed.

I laughed as I grabbed her waist and pulled her to me.

"I thought it was cute," I chuckled.

* * " * * z * * " * * z * * " * * z * * " * * z * *

Let's all take a moment to fan girl over Chrissa or Lisstian (whichever one you like better.) They finally kissed!! I'm so proud of myself for writing this chapter. I'm not sure whether I wrote this correctly or not, as I haven't gotten my first kiss yet. No need to worry, I'm getting one when I'm 27 on my wedding day ;) (that's if I get married.) Anyway, I hope you guys liked this. Two updates in one day. I feel good for writing two chapters in one day. Usually it takes me days. Okay I'll stop ranting now. Stay amazing and remember, don't rush, wait for your Christian or Lissa because one day, you'll be able to look them in the eyes and know they're the one.

~ Bertha 99 ~

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