Part 28

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Chapter 28

It had to be the best night so far. Who wouldn't have liked going to the school dance with their crush? After my surprise for Rose, I was planning on confessing to her. This was going to be the only chance I got. I had to make sure I got to her before someone else did. We were currently making our way to the gym hand in hand. Rose let me hold her hand.

"Are you excited?" I looked at Rose as I asked her. She looked breath taking, no matter how many times I looked at her I still had no words to describe how amazing she looked. Rose was about to respond when we heard voices. We saw Guardian Belikov and Guardian Alberta walk towards us. I waved at them both with a bright smile.

We came to a halt in front of the duo. Guardian Belikov's eyes made their way down to our hands and his expression changed. Rose upon seeing that, immediately let go of my hand. That was odd.

"Where are you both off to?"  Guardian Alberta asked.

"Off to the dance," I responded.

"Well you kids enjoy your night," she said before leaving with Guardian Belikov. Rose looked back, giving a last glance at him. I furrowed my eyebrows, why was she so concerned about him? Did she perhaps have feelings for him? Nah that cannot be. I dismissed the thoughts and grabbed her hand as I led her towards the surprise I had prepared for her. This was something she was going to love, I just knew it. I led her the rest of the way; through the twists and turns and finally to where they had promised to meet.

After a minute, we finally arrived at our distinction. Under the big oak tree that was practically under the full moon, stood Jessie and Ralf. They were both facing the opposite direction so they did not know of our approach. As we approached them, I cleared my throat. They turned around first facing me in fear. Upon seeing Rose, both their faces transformed to lustful. I didn't like that, I really didn't.

"Stop staring and do what you came to do," I punched Jessie in the stomach lightly to get his attention away from Rose.

"Jessie and Ralf have something to say to you," I turned to face Rose with a gentle smile. I could tell she was confused, but that was fine. I was expecting her to be this way. I motioned to Jessie to go ahead. He kept opening his mouth and shutting it, hesitating to say the words. It took him a few tries before he was able to let the words come out of his mouth.

"Rose, we are very...very.." Jessie cleared his throat, "very...sorry for lying about sleeping and drinking blood from you."

"We also apologise for spreading that rumour around about you being a BloodWhore," Ralf added. They both remained silent, not willing to speak any further. No, they couldn't just end it here.

"And?" I punched Jessie in the guts, a little harder than before this time.

"And it was not our idea. Mia offered to sleep with Ralf and I if we made up that rumour," Jessie finished. I smiled at him to let him know he was able to leave. He stared at me with so much hate before he limped away with his little buddy supporting him. What a wuss, I didn't even hit him that hard.

"How did you manage to find that out?" Rose scoffed. I turned my attention back to her. I gave her a light smile and a shrug.

"I have my ways," I smirked. The smile that was on her face spread wider. She was happy - I made her happy. A foreign feeling rose inside of me. What was this?

"Well thank you," she smiled as she stood on tiptoes leaning in towards me. This was it, she was finally going to kiss me to indicate her strong feelings for me. I suddenly got all excited, my heart racing. My smile widened so much that I thought my cheeks would break. I could already feel the butterflies. Everything within me was shouting with joy and excitement. Those two years were finally worth it. Right? I was wrong. The disappointment that rose within me as Rose kissed my cheek. It was the most disappointing experience. Nether less, I still managed to hide my hurt expression as I smiled at her.

"You're such a good friend Mase, thank you for everything," she smiled before making her way to some people who she began whispering stuff too. I was assuming it had something to do with what Jessie and Ralf had just told her.

I was left under the tree, with my whole heart feeling like it was going to break. The reality was sinking in, I had no chance. All I was to her was the best friend. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get Rose to like me, because her eyes were already on someone else.

"It's okay Mase, there'll be someone for you out there," a familiar voice said.

I chuckled lightly, "that's such a cliche line to say."

Eddie looked magnificent. He had on a black suit with a gold watch that shone in the moonlight. His hair was slicked back with hair gel.

"That's a nice watch," I gestured to the watch on his right wrist. Eddie looked down at his wrist.

"Oh this? It was given to me as a present from Natalie Dashkov. I didn't want to be rude and turn it down, besides it's a good watch," he shrugged. That was nice of her. I wonder why she'd want to give Eddie a watch, it's not like they were friends. In fact they have only ever spoken three times counting the time that they must have clearly spoken when she gave him the watch. Call me paranoid, but I was having a bad feeling about this watch. As if it wasn't given from generosity.

I dismissed the weird feeling within my stomach as I slumped my hand around Eddie's shoulders whilst leading him towards the dorms. I wasn't really in the mood for the dance anymore and I knew Eddie hated these kinds of events.

A/N: Q: Do you think Mason is right to be suspicious of the watch?
Leave your thoughts in the comments, really I'd like to hear your thoughts on this. Thank you to everyone who has been sticking by this fanfiction. Really appreciate it. :)

~ Bertha99

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