Part 16

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Chapter 16


"My room," Eddie gasped, his eyes wide. We both turned towards the door and ran. Whoever was outside seemed to want to destroy the evidence that Eddie contained. That was strange. If he/ she didn't want Eddie holding the evidence, why send it to him in the first place?

"Run faster," Eddie yelled. He was already half way through the field and I was still just passing the cafeteria. I think he had forgotten that I was a Moroi. I am not as fast as he is.

Eddie slowed down when he realised I wouldn't be able to catch up to him. I was completely out of breath and he didn't seem to be fazed. When we finally reached his dorm room, I was conpletely out of breath. Eddie banged the door open; and we ran in. Our eyes widened in shock at the surroundings. The room looked like there had been a party that left the whole dorm messy. Nothing in the room had gone untouched. Everything was either, on the floor or ripped.


I looked towards Mason who was looking at me in confusion. I knew what he was thinking, I was pretty good at guessing his thoughts. What I didn't know though, was what I was going to say to him. How was I going to explain being with Christian Ozera?

"Mason, I can explain," I said as I began to move towards him. He questioningly raised his right eyebrow, waitimg for me to explain. He started to tap his foot impatiently, his arms crossed. I looked towards Christian who was also looking at me whith his eye brows raised. I looked at the floor, not wanting to meet anyone's gaze.

"I really wish I could tell you Mason, but I can't," I sighed.

"Like I care anyway. Have fun with your new best friend," Mason said in frustration.

He slapped the papers he had been holding onto my chest and stormed out of the room. I didn't go after him though, I knew better. Instead, I walked over to my messy bed and sat down. Christian walked over to where I was and stood before me. I handed him the papers that Mason had given me and watched as he stared at me in curiosity. "Shouldn't you have gone after him?" He asked me.

"No, he needs time to calm down," I replied with a sigh. Christian shrugged and walked over to the other bed; sat down and began to read the threats that I had been receiving in the past two months.

"Cliché much?" I heard Christian say a little while later.

"Hmm?" I asked. Christian looked up from the threat notes and looked at me.

"Oh, it's just that one of these notes says 'I know what you and Christian did two years ago,' and it's a cliché because it's very similar to a movie I watched. Anyway, this stalker murder would send the people threats saying, 'I know what you did last summer,' and it would freak them out," he said chuckling.

I had absolutely no idea what he was going om about, but I just smiled and nodded my head. He rolled his eyes at me and went back to flipping through the papers. I lay down on my bed, my hands behind my head while my eyes were closed. I started to slowly drift off into sleep, when I heard someone speak.

"Well, I guess I should go," I heard a boice say. I opened my eyes and noticed Christian standing before me. I smiled at him and went back to resting. The last thing I heard was a door shutting, before I drifted off into sleep.


Walking towards the cafeteria, I realised that lunch was now over but decided to ditch. It's not like they'll miss me anyway. Instead of walking to my dorm room, I headed towards the chapel. I entered and noticed that as always, it was empty. I made my way across the room, towards the door that led to the basement.

I walked up the creaky and dusty stairs, opened the door that was at the end and entered. I immediately walked towards the little window in the corner and sat down, looking at nothing in particular. "That's my spot you know," I heard a chuckle coming from the door. I turned around and a smile immediately plastered onto my face as I noticed Lissa standing in the entrance.

She walked into the room and stood only a few steps away from me. Suddenly, her expression turned troubled and the perfect smile that was once on her face, disappered. I looked into her eyes and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Why did you do that?" She asked. I looked at her in confusion.

"Do what?" I also asked.

"Why did you light Alf on fire?" She asked, averting her gaze. Oh, now I know what she's going on about.

I thought my answer through before I replied. "He was being really annoying," I shrugged.

"You could've killed him," she dramatically said. I rolled my eyes at her ridiculousness. "But I didn't. The flames didnt even touch him. Did you see a single burn mark on him?" I inquired. She shook her head and I continued speaking. "See? I had control over the flames. I knew exactly what I was doing."

She took four steps towards me, sighing

"You know Rose thinks you only did it because you're psychotic and twisted?" She looked at me with her arms crossed. I laughed. "Of course she did," I grinned.

"In all honesty, why did you actually do it?" She asked. I guess she hadn't bought my first explanation. "Because they were being mean to Rose and it was upsetting you," I said after a while.

"And why would you care?" She asked in confusion.

Should I tell her? Should I tell her what I've been trying not to admit to myself? I sighed at realising that I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Because I like you," I told her after a while.

{A/N: Cliffhanger. This isn't my best chapter but whatever. I had to write something. Okay, all that aside, who do you think is the "stalker"? And what do you guys think happened at "that night"? So many questions, not enough answers. I'd love to know what you guys think in the comments. Please leave a vote and comment, I'd really appreciate it.}

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