Part 6

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I don't know how to make dedications on here but I would still like to dedicate this chapter to @collettie for voting and commenting.

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Chapter 6


Eddie and I were lounging around in our dorm room when we heard a knock on the door. We sat up and looked at each other, waiting for the other to answer the door.

"Someone's knocking," Eddie said. It was his way of saying that he wasn't going to open it. Instead of getting up and answering it like I always do, I sat on my bed and stared at him blankly. As we kept staring at each other, we heard the knocking get more frantic. Eddie sighed in defeat and stood up to answer it. As he walked towards the door, I went back to laying on the bed and staring at the ceiling.

"H-h-hi," Eddie said nervously as he opened the door. I was guessing it was someone who he really adored because Eddie rarely stumbled when he spoke. "Hello, is your roommate Mason Ashford present?" I heard an accented guy ask. The accent soounded very familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

There was a pause and I wondered what had happened. What was going on? A minute passed without any replies from both Eddie and the mystery person, so I decided to get up and walk to the door.

"MASON, THERE'S A VERY IMPORTANT PERSON HERE FOR YOU!" Eddie shouted. I wondered why it took him this long to finally respond. As I aproached the door, I noticed the celebrity god standing at the door. Guardian Belikov is standing at my door looking for me? WOW!  I thought to myself. Guardian Belikov smiled at me and prepared himself for whatever he came here to ask me.

"Can I speak with you for a moment? It won't be long," he assured me. Eddie looked between us; wondering why THE Dimitri Belikov would be wanting to speak to me.

He's not the only one who has the ability to mind read you know. I've never mentioned it, but I can be very observant when I want to. It rarely happens though, it only occurs when Eddie is feeling low and isn't being himself.

"Yeah that's fine with me," I said as I relised he was still waiting for my response.

I walked past Eddie; shrugging when he looked at me in confusion. I closed the door behind me and walked to the corner Guardian Belikov was awaiting me. "Hi," I waved as I approached him.  "Good evening," he replied. I stood there with my hands in my pocket rocking back and forth not meeting his eyes. It was too scary and awkward to look in those eyes that were as deadly as a weapon. I swear if looks could kill, Guardian Belikov's guardian stare could kill you in an instant.

"So.....," I started not sure of what to say.

"Oh right," he cleared his voice; getting ready to ask me whatever brought him here.

"You know how Rosemarie Hathaway has returned after 2 years?" He questioned. I nodded and let him continue. "She has been falling behind in her school work and requires help. So I was wondering if you would be able to be her tutor and make sure she gets up to date."

I stood there shocked. I can't believe he was asking me to tutor the one girl I've been trying to avoid for the past 3 weeks. I wasn't avoiding her because I wanted to, I was avoiding her because Eddie said it would be a good way of getting over my feelings for her.

"So, what do you say?" Guardian Belikov asked, the Russian accent clear in his voice. "I don't know. Would Rose be okay with it?" I replied unsurely.

"Don't worry about Rosemarie, she'll be fine," he assured me. He sounded so sure of himself that it made me wonder if him and Rose were more than just mentor and student. What if they're in love? I asked myself. I soon dismissed the feeling, not worrying about it. Guardian Belikov would never break the law and date a minor.

"Master Ashford?" He asked, getting me out of the haze.

"If Rose if fine with it then I am too," I smiled at him. He gave me a bright smile and shook my hand in thanks. He left, disappearing down the hall and I stood there looking after him.

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