Part 13

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Chapter 13


Norrine's words were still playing around in my head. They didn't seem to be able to leave me alone. "You are in great danger...," her voice whispered in my mind. It was like those words were stuck on replay and I couldn't find the pause button.

No matter how many times I listened to her words, I still couldn't quite piece together what she was trying to say. The intimations that she revealed weren't quite helpful. All they managed to do was confuse me even more. What did she mean when she said I was in trouble? Was there going to be a Strigoi attack? I sighed deeply when I realised I wasn't getting anywhere with this.

I was going to join the few students who were in the cafeteria, but changed my mind. I wasn't feeling like being social anymore. Instead, I began to make my way towards the chapel. I need to clear my head.

I entered the chapel; looked around, checking to see if anyone was around. It was deserted, which was a good sign. I walked towards the door that led towards the attic. I walked through the door and froze at the site in front of me. I stood there frozen for a few minutes not sure of what to do. My mouth was hanging open. "Help her you idiot!" My mind screamed at me. I shook my head out of the trance and ran towards her.

"Lissa? Lissa, can you hear me?" I asked her with worry. I turned her around so that I could see her face and heard a groan. Blood was smeared all over her pretty face. Blood was oozing from her arms.

"Lissa?" I was now even more worried. What if she is.... No no, I couldn't think like that. I brushed a hand through her pretty blonde hair. She coughed. Just then, the door banged open and Rose rushed in.

She pushed me from where I was kneeling and took Lissa in her arms. Tears were running down her face. "Get me water and a piece of cloth," she ordered. I stood there dumbfounded.

"Fuck Christian, get me a bowl of water and a cloth," she shouted. That seemed to get my attention. I sprinted out of the attic; out into the chapel. It was still deserted which was a very good sign.

I wasn't sure where I would find water. I ran to the nearest building. Thankfully, it was the cafeteria. I rushed up to the cafeteria ladies, completely out of breath.

"I need a bowl of water," I breathed. I appreciated them not asking any questions as they handed me a bowl of water.

I ran back to the attic and found Rose still holding Lissa in her arms. "What took you so long?" She growled. I rolled my eyes and handed her the bowl of water. She sighed in frustration as she looked towards me. "Where is the cloth?" She asked through greeted teeth. Oh fuck the cloth. I mentally slapped myself at forgetting. "Shirt. Now," Rose growled. For a moment I was dumbfounded. Rose continued to glare at me. She slapped herself across the forehead, grabbed my shirt and ripped a large piece off.

"Do I have to do everything myself?" She muttered to herself. She began to wash Lissa and I couldn't help myself but ask, "What happened to her?"

"Someone thought it'd be funny to play a fucked up prank on her. They slit a fox and placed it in her dorm room. She saw it, freaked and got depressed," she explained. Who would do such a twisted thing?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
[Present Day]

The fox incident had been the talk of the school ever since that day. Rumours about Lissa placing it there herself for attention had been a major one. It was pretty infuriating. The fact that Jesse Zeklos and his minions were now picking on Rose was fueling the anger.

Every word that came out of their mouth pushed me off the edge. The mention of Lissa did it. I couldn't hold it in anymore so with all my concentration, I lit Alf on fire making sure I didn't hurt him though. That seemed to work. He was screaming in fear and a smirk spread on my face as I increased the flames a notch. When I heard my name being called, I stopped.

"Headmistress' office, now," the teacher said. I stood up and left with a smirk plastered on my face.

I sat in the headmistress' office listening to her go on about behaviour and using magic for appropriate use. She went on about something else but I was too busy being bored to listen. The bell rang to indicate the end of the lesson, but she still wasn't done yet. 15 minutes later, she was finally done and I was able to leave.

I made my way towards the chapel not feeling like being social.

As I was about to enter the chapel, I ran into someone's broad chest. I looked up and saw the frowning face of Eddie Castile. He looked around, probably checking if anyone had witnessed what had occurred. He grabbed ahold of my hand and pulled me inside the chapel; into a dark corner. I was confused as to why he would do that but then again, this was Eddie Castile.

"You never told anyone about that night right?" He questioned with worry in his voice. I knew what night he was referring to. It was a massive deal for the both of us so I could see why he would be worried with everyone finding out about that.

"No, of course not," I replied to him. His facial expression was troubled which confused me. Why was he so worried?

"What's wrong?" I interrogated. He shook his head as to say I didn't need to worry about it. He was about to walk away but I stepped in his way. "If something's going on you need to tell me. I was involved too," I crossed my arms across my chest, letting him know that I wasn't going to drop it so easily.

He sighed in defeat and ran a hand through his brown hair. He placed his hands by his side and looked away from me. "That night, someone had seen us. They've been sending anonymous threats and I don't know what to do," he sighed. I could sense the worry and sadness in his voice. I haven't been receiving any letters though.

"Do you have any more of those letters?" I asked him. I needed to understand what was going on. If someone had seen what had occurred that night, then we were both in massive trouble. "I left them in my room," he said. Just then, we heard a loud clash outside. Someone was watching us.

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