Part 23

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Chapter 23


My week was going great. I was able to kiss Lissa, it was a great kiss. I thought we were dating, which was great for me. Ever since my parent's had died, I've been counted as an outcast. Finally I felt good about myself. I walked to the cafeteria, ignoring the other student's stares and glares. I wasn't going to let them bring down my rare good mood. Suddenly, I ran into Rose, we had a stare down until I broke the silence.

 "What do you want?" I asked her with a sigh.Rose glared up at me.

 "Lissa doesn't like you so back off, you creep," she said with venom dripping from her voice. I stared down at her.

"Bitch," I whispered under my breath.

"I heard that," Rose snapped.

"Good for you," I snapped back.

"I won't believe anything until I hear it from Lissa herself," I replied. Rose rolled her eyes.

"Fine but expect to be heartbroken," she said as she bumped her shoulder against mine and began to walk away.

"Oh and just so you know," she shouted back smugly, "the only reason Lissa kissed you was because she felt sympathetic for you." My heart sank. No, I won't believe any of this until I hear it coming from Lissa herself. Rose could be right though, if it was false why would she tell me? Rose is her best friend and she knows Lissa better than anyone so her lying about how Lissa feels is not something she would do.

Suddenly, my good mood was ruined. I was aggravated, not only at myself but at Lissa too. I was mad at my parents, I was mad at the world. Why is it always me who ends up being hurt in the end? Why is it always me who has to fall into every trap set by people? Why is it always me who bad things have to occur to? Why can't it be someone else for a change?

"Hey Christian," I heard a familiar voice say. It was Lissa, I can identify her voice a million miles away. Also, I get butterflies just being around her. I raised my head up slowly, taking my time. I wasn't ready to face her, not yet. When my head was raised and my eyes were finally able to make their way to her eyes, I could now see the massive smile she had on her face. She looked happy and not at all showing other emotions.

"Christian, what's wrong?" She asked worriedly. She still had a smile, but now I could also sense a bit of confusion. I don't get it. If she doesn't like me, why would she show so much compassion towards me?

"Christian?" She asked with more concern this time. My heart was pumping loud and fast, I wanted her to stay with me. I wanted to just reach over and pull her into my arms, but I couldn't. I knew I had to let her go. So I shrugged her arm off my shoulder and left her speculating.

I walked with my head held down the whole way, not sure of where I was heading. All I knew was that I had to get away from her, I had to go somewhere. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes, but I pushed them back. I felt a hand on my shoulder and when I looked up, I saw Lissa breathing heavily with tears in her eyes.

"You can't just leave me like that without explaining," she breathed heavily.

"Lissa, just stop. You don't have to keep feeling sympathetic for me, I have my aunt and that's all I need," I said with my eyes casting towards the ground. I brushed her arm off my shoulder once more and began to walk away.

"Is everyone right about you? Are honestly that heartless? Don't you know I care a lot about you? I thought the kiss meant something to you, I thought you felt something for me," she cried. I turned around and looked at her tear streaked face. Mine was flowing with tears too, I honestly couldn't hold them in any longer.

"The kiss didn't mean something to me, it meant everything. It's not just something that I feel, I have all these emotions that churn in my stomach when you're around. I instantly smile at the sound of your name. I get angry when someone talks negatively about you and I cry when I see you upset. I miss you even when you're just a few feet away from me and I get exceptionally jealous when another guy stares at you. I don't know why but maybe it's because I know he has a better chance than me or maybe it's because I love you. Me being heartless? I wish, I wish I was heartless so then I would be able to let you go. I wish I was heartless so then I wouldn't be standing here wishing I could just close the gap and pull you into my arms. You're not even mine and I already feel this sense of emotion. So Lissa, am I still a heartless bastard to you? Am I? Am I?" I shouted. I was now furiously sobbing, not able to control my emotions. I had to leave, now.

I walked away from her, I walked away from the girl I came to realise I was falling in love with. The one girl who made me complete. And this time, she didn't try to stop or come after me.

"Hey dude," I heard a male voice say. I raised my head to see Eddie. I hadn't realised it, but I had somehow made my way to his dorm room. Eddie's smile immediately vanished as he saw my doomy face. He walked over to the doorway and hugged me. I began to cry, letting out every single heart break and misery I ever felt.

****z ******z******z*******z******z*****z******z******

The chapter isn't very long or very good but it's something. I was going to cut out this from the FanFiction but realised everything has been smooth sailing for Christian and Lissa and they needed some type of drama.

Also, thank you guys so much for all of your support and nice comments. You guys are the reason why I didn't give up on this FanFic

~Bertha 99~

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