Part 27

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Chapter 27

I waited outside the room Rose was in. So far the only person who was allowed to enter the room was Lissa. The doctors said it wasn't time for her to have visitors just yet. Apparently also, she had only been responding positively to Lissa. When I carried Rose in, she was screaming out in pain. Her screams could be heard even behind closed doors until Lissa entered the room. Maybe it had something to do with them being bound.

"Dimitri," I heard a soft voice say. I came out of my daze and saw Prince Victor standing before me. I smiled at him.

"What can I help you with Prince Victor?" I asked.

"Oh don't be so formal, just call me Victor," he smiled. He placed his hand inside his pocket, took out a beautiful locket and grabbed my right hand placing the locket in my palm.

"I saw Rose looking at this today and I thought it'd make a beautiful gift. It'd go well with her dress don't you think?" He smirked. I blushed a little at the thought of Rose in her black dress. The locket would really suit Rose. "Give this to Rose when she awakes."

I smiled at Prince Victor in thanks and at that he walked off leaving me yet alone in the corridor. Soon after, the doors opened to reveal Dr Olendzki. I looked at her in anticipation.

"Am I allowed to see her now?" I asked. She nodded her head and stepped out of the door way to let me in. I smiled at her in thanks and entered the room. Lissa was still in the room, holding onto Rose's hand. She looked pale, like she was about to pass out. Her eyes began to droop so I ran to her side and carried her out of the room. She needed blood, there was no way she was able to stay beside Rose. Her health mattered just as much.

"Dimitri, let me go back to Rose. She needs me," she said softly. I refused and continued carrying her out of the room. I saw Dr Olendzki up ahead and gestured her to Lissa. She showed me a small room where I placed Lissa. Immediately,  a few feeders were rushed into the room and two guardians stood outside the room guiding it.

I made my way back into the room Rose was. I sat in the allocated chair near her bed and held her hand. I could hear her let out a low  groan.

"Lissa?" I heard her mutter. I stood and moved closer to her.
"Rose? Rose," I shook her lightly. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me with exhaustion.

"Dimitri?" She managed to croak out. She tried to sit up so I quickly grabbed the pillow, fixing it for her. I helped her seat up against the soft pillow on the head of the bed.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Coming to visit you," I stated. She looked much better now, unlike a few hours ago when she was screaming in excruciating pain. I was able to catch that smile that creeped into her face upon hearing my words.

"What happened? I remember the bench breaking and me falling. I feel so stupid, I should've listened when you warned me," she said looking away. I placed my right hand on one of hers and used my left to gently turn her face so she was looking at me.

"You're not stupid, it happens to the best of us. You couldn't have possibly known it was unstable," I reassured her.

"So what happened after I fell?" She asked in embarrassment.

"I rushed to your side and carried you here," I said smiling. She blushed and the smile she tried so hard to hide escaped onto her lips. She looked beautiful when she blushed.
"My foot, is it okay?" She asked nervously.

"It's fine, to the doctor's surprise you are able to go back to training in a few days," I said.

"But the crack! I heard a crack," she looked down at her foot examining it. She twisted it around trying to feel any jolt of pain but there was none.

"You were in a lot of pain earlier, you were even screaming out. In fact, you wouldn't stop screaming until Lissa came by your side. The doctors were amazed at how peaceful you became once Lissa touched your leg," I informed her. She went quiet for a little while. Looking away in sadness.

"Is she okay?" She finally asked.

I nodded, "she seems to have lost a lot of energy but she's okay now. She is currently in a room with feeders and guardians on watch."

Upon that, I remembered the lip gloss  I had in the coat of my duster. I took it out.

"Give me your hand," I instructed. She gave me her hand and I put the small lip gloss into the palm of her hand. She smiled up at me, her eyes lighting up. It wasn't even that great of a gift.

"You remembered?" She asked with a huge grin.

"How couldn't I? You complaining about a new lip gloss was the only thing that escaped your mouth every day at training," I stubbornly said. I was refusing to accept that I had just done a generous gesture. Rose dismissed my stubbornness though and leaned in to hug me. I was shocked at first, mainly because I wasn't used to making contact with her unless it was in training.

Her small fragile arms wrapped tightly around my neck. It felt good, having her in my arms. She was warm, but that didn't stop the shivers that was sent through my body. It took me a moment before I returned the hug.

The electricity shot through my body, replacing the shivers. A smile creeped onto my lips, wishing the moment could linger. It felt good, like I was frozen in the moment. Smelling nothing but the sweet fragrance that radiated off her. The butterflies swarmed my stomach, and I knew at this moment the feelings were growing. I couldn't admit the feelings though, I just couldn't. So I let go of her.

"Another gift," I informed her with a smile. She looked at me in surprise.

"No not from me, Prince Victor," I handed her the smell locket that was given to me earlier. Her smile spread wider upon seeing the locket.

"How? It was so expensive," she said in awe and wonder.

"He saw you looking at it earlier and thought it'd make a nice gift," I responded. She handed me back the locket, leaving me confused. She lifted her hair and turned her back to face me, letting me know she wanted me to put it on for her. So I did. I stood and put the locket on her. I accidentally touched the skin on the back of her neck and I could witness the small hairs on the back of her neck standing.

I felt them too, the small shivers that spread into my skin.


A/N: Another update!! This is to say thank you for the 10k. I seriously appreciate it. Just as much as I appreciate the comments that are left on a few chapters. I seriously love reading the comments because they leave a goofy smile on my lips, almost as goofy as Rose's when Dimitri gave her a lip gloss. Thank you all once again and I'll try updating faster.

~ Bertha 99

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