Part 3

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Chapter 3


I woke up to the sound of my roommate Eddie Castile's alarm clock going off. We both woke up and decided on who should take a shower first. While I waited for Eddie to finish, I said down on my bed and lay down thinking.

My mind was wondering off again, thinking about Rose Hathaway. With her escape vacation with the last Dragomir in line, I was pretty sure if they ever returned, they would be in major trouble. Rumour had it that they ran away because her best friend Lissa was pregnant (ridiculous rumours.) Rumours about the two girls spread around the school faster than a virus catches on a computer. I knew better than to believe any rumours that went around though. Half of them are too ridiculous that I can't help but wonder how people can actually believe them.

A few minutes later – after thinking about the rumours that were going around the school – my mind wondered back to Rose. I wondered if I would ever see her again. Would she look different? Would she still have her Rose humour? Would she ever return? I didn't have any answers to the questions but I was hoping the last question would be answered with a "Yes". I seriously wouldn't even care if she was different, as long as she came back to St. Vladimir's. Though then again, what if she didn't? What would happen then? I guess I already knew the answers, if Rose wasn't to return, it would mean that I would have to move on. It wouldn't be easy but I had to, even if it meant I had to wait one more year for my feelings for Rose to go away completely.

As I lay down on my bed, I was in too much of a muse to notice someone enter the room. With that, I got caught off guard as a voice asked, "Thinking about Rose again?"

One of the rules in guardian training is to never be caught off guard and to always pay attention to our surroundings, the two things I wasn't doing at the moment. Remembering the rules, I instantly shot up and looked around the room in a guardian stance. I instantly went for a weapon, which in my case was a pillow. Wow out of all of the items in the room that I could have gone for; I had to go for a pillow. A freaking pillow! Really Mason, really? Just then, I heard laughter coming from the direction of the bathroom. I looked at the direction and found my best friend – more like a brother – Eddie Castile leaning over, clutching his stomach with one hand the other holding the door frame for support. Realising how silly I probably looked, I dropped the pillow and straightened my body.

"Out of all the items in the room, you chose a pillow? What did you think you were going to do with it? Pillow fights me to death?" Eddie joked, once again falling into hysterics.

"Shut up," I said back annoyed. I was more annoyed with myself rather than Eddie. After all, he wasn't the one who went for a pillow instead of a lamp or something as equally hard. I sighed out loud as my earlier thoughts came rushing back. Not long after that, Eddie's laughter died out. I turned around to look at his expression and it was full of sympathy. He came over to my side, which was now on my bed as I had decided to sit down.

"Mason, you need to stop doing this to yourself," Eddie said. I looked up at him and saw that his face was stern. I knew what he was referring to, but I wasn't in the mood for one of his lectures, so I played dumb.

"What on Earth are you talking about, Mr Castile?" I asked innocently. I always knew that I was the worst actor on the planet but hey a guy can try right? I also knew that I hadn't convinced Eddie as he shook his head and said the next words, "Mason, has anyone ever told you what a terrible what liar you are?"

"No, not really, my mummy has always told me that I was the best actor there ever was," I continued with my innocent act. Eddie decided to give up as he shook his head and went to his side of the room to start getting dressed.

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