Part 22

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Chapter 22

I returned to my room completely shocked by what I had just witnessed. What was going on? And why did they give me that look as they passed? I seriously need a lie down; I can't take all this information at once. First it was finding out about Jessie and Rose, then Eddie and Christian Ozera turned best friends and now this!?! What is even going on at this school?

I turned the door knob of my dorm room and entered. The room was now all cleaned up. I walked to my bed and plopped onto it. All the events of today wore me out, all I needed was to just rest my head and not think about anything more.

"Are you alright?" I heard Eddie ask.

"Yep," I replied nonchalantly.

"Mase, I'm sorry about what happened before. I shouldn't be keeping things from you but it just didn't feel right at that moment," he began. I sat up and looked at him.

"Honestly Eddie, it's fine. It was none of my business and it still isn't, so I respect your decision," I plainly uttered.

"But Mase..." Eddie began but I cut him out.

"This has been a long day for me and I need to rest so if you wouldn't mind, I'm going to sleep now," I exclaimed. I lay down and closed my eyes, feigning sleep. I can't put up with anymore dramas.

{Following day}

"Ready to listen now?" Eddie inquired as we walked back in our room. He's been pestering me all night to give him a chance to explain the reason why he was with Christian.

"Like I said Eddie, I don't care if you and Christian decide to become friends. You could even get married and I still wouldn't care. It's none of my business and you don't have to explain," I reassured him.

"Okay firstly, that is just messed up and secondly I do need to explain. You've always told me everything and I guess it's time I told you too," He said as he made a weird face.

I sighed out loud as I sat down on my bed, waiting for him to begin his explanation.

"Okay it all began like this," Eddie started saying.



I'm walking towards my dorm room now; I couldn't stand another moment at that party. Rose was making out with one of the biggest players in the academy. How she manages to pull so many guys and not have a boyfriend, I don't know.

As I'm about to turn the corner, I see a gush of Guardians marching towards the room of which the party is being held. I run into the nearest room, not knowing where I'm going. The room is dark. Very dark. I go to turn on the lights and as they come on, a face appears in front of me. I scream really loudly and sprint onto the bed.

"Dude stop screaming," the voice says. I stop screaming and take a closer examination. It's Christian Ozera. Many people say that he lingers in darkness awaiting a prey, whilst others say he's just looking for the perfect moment to turn Strigoi. I say I couldn't give two nickels about it.

"You shouldn't come up to people like that, it's freaky," I verbalise as I begin to step off the bed.

"Well maybe you shouldn't go running into just anyone's dorm room, it's rude," he mockingly retorts. He walks up to where I am standing and pushes me out of the way as he climbs onto his bed and begins to look outside his window.

"Sorry about it then," I roll my eyes and begin to walk out.

"Wait isn't that Lissa and Rose?" He says dramatically which makes me stop in my tracks.

"Uh?" I question as I run and jump onto his bed to take a look. From his window, I can see Rose and Lissa looking around suspiciously. They hide in bushes and try everything they can to not get detected. Rose is carrying two bags in her hands. What's going on here?

"Do you think we should..?" Christian questions as he trials off.

I look at him with a smirk and reply with, "Definitely."

We sprint to his door and run out of it. As we go past the cafeteria we bump into Jessie Zeklos.

"Watch it!" he yells in a snobby manner. As soon as he sees Christian he starts freaking out and runs away. I laugh at him and pay no more attention as I continue to run. I have to catch Rose and Lissa before they do whatever they're planning to do. We reach the court yard and as I am about to run up to Rose, Christian grabs the collar of my button down shirt.

"Dude don't," he says sternly.

"Why not? They're right there, we can still catch them," I look at him confused.

"If you interrupt whatever is going on she may never forgive you, let her go," he explained.

"But..." I begin to complain but he puts his hand on my mouth and pulls me down. I kneel down and move his hand from my mouth. I watch the scene that is in front of me.

"What's happening?" I ask Christian.

"Lissa's using compulsion on that man but I don't know why," he replies with a frown. I stare at the scene again completely confused by what is happening. As Rose and Lissa get in the boot of the car of the man, I know they're planning to escape but I don't try to get up to help them. This is something they've probably been planning for a long time.

"We should go," I tell Christian as I get up. He gets up and begins to walk towards his dorm room; I do the same but take one more look at the gates.

As we are about to enter the building, we see something to our right. We turn back around and go towards whatever it was that was laying there. As we get closer to it, we realise it's a body. Blood is flowing from his body.  We stand there in shock not knowing what to do.

"What are we going to do?" I ask Christian frightened.

"Obviously bury it," He replies in a duh tone voice. I stare at him with a shocked expression.

"Shouldn't we tell someone first? They could still be conscious," I say whilst panicking. Christian comes up to me and slaps me across the face.

"Are you dumb? If we go tell someone we would be framed. We don't know what happened or how it happened in the first place so if you tell someone is prepared to never graduate. Anyone around this place, who looks like they know a lot of things, is immediately put in danger. So stop being dumb and help me bury this body," Christian demands.

*End of flashback*


"After burying the body we both agreed to never speak of that night ever again. Everything went smoothly until two months ago when I started receiving threats from someone. I don't know who it is but we have to stop this person before they frame Christian for everything and put him in danger," Eddie explained.

"Why just Christian though?" I inquired.

"Because everyone already believes he is going to turn Strigoi, it'd be easier to frame him," He clarified.

"Wait threats? Were you and Christian at the chapel when the room got trashed?" I asked him.

"Yes, why?" He replied confused. Oh lord. I don't think I liked the way this was going.

"Did someone happen to knock a vase over when you were there?" I asked. Please say no.

"We heard a smash coming from the outside but we don't really know what it was. Why?" He answered.

"I think I know who has been sending you the threats," I said as I felt myself begin to turn pale. Eddie jumped down from his bed and came sprinting towards me.

"Really who?" He questioned really excitedly.

"It is...." I began.

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