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"Uri!?" Mom yelled from across the store. It was so loud that it seemed like she was right next to me. "Uri," she yelled a little quieter after I flinched from the first.

All I did was pretend like I didn't know her. Some lady trying to help tapped my shoulder and pointed to her.

"That's okay, I don't know her," I said politely.

Mom stopped in her tracks staring at me like she could really hear me that far. It's weird because no matter what, she hears everything. It doesn't matter if it was barely a whisper or far away or barely a whisper and far away, she'll hear it. She says it's her mom senses kicking into overdrive because of the twins, but if I'm being honest, I don't think so.

"Uri, get your butt over here." I did quickly and once I reached her she reached up and yanked my ear down. "Where is Nasima," she growled low into my ear.


"Uh..... you have 10 seconds to find her before your father has to send for two missing child reports."

She let go and pushed me off to find her. Knowing Nasima she's probably in a different state by now. Once she's out of sight it's really hard to find her.

"Nasima," I said peering around the corner after seeing her jacket on the floor.

"Yes'sem." She picked it up and skipped ahead towards mom.

"Where did you go?"

"I wanted to look at the jackets, but then I saw mom's friend."

"Excuse me," mom said looking fully alarmed. "Did this friend give you a name?"

Nasima thought about it why tapping her cheek. "I think it was Shaley, or Shelly-"


"Yes," Nasima said excitedly "that's the name. She told me to tell you that I look just like you."

Mom nodded and got up, after taking a break. "How about you two find your father and please stay together. Nasima Im talking to you."

"What if he asks where you went?"

"Then you say to talk to a friend, now go." We stood there and she stared at us until we started walking. "Text me when you're with him."

I held up a thumbs up and dragged Nasima along with me. Mom doesn't have many friends or friends that we don't already know. But we just call them aunt and uncle.

Dad should be with aunt Rae right now picking out something for their anniversary this weekend. We were supposed to be distracting her, but I guess someone is already on it. But I texted her as soon as I found him.

"I thought I told you to distract your mother," he said knitting his brows together.

"Yeah but then she left."

Now Aunt Rae looked concerned. "Left?"

"She said she's going to talk with a friend. Nasima what was the-" I turned to look for her but she wasn't around. I huffed turning back to dad. "Well she was talking to Nasima and I think her name was Shiela."

Dad clenched his jaw like the name made him uneasy. Rae went to find Nasima and I'm confused on what's happening.

"So is Shiela not a friend?"

Dad shook his head. "No she is, we just haven't heard from her in a long time. Come on let's pick out something for your mother."

Mom came home probably around 11 at night. Dad made Nasima go to bed, but that only lasted a good 2 minutes before she came into my room bothering me.

The girl is like glitter. No matter how hard you try and get rid of her she's still there or even if you think she's gone on her own. I don't get why she can't just stay in her room instead of being in mine. But when I ask she just says she's had a thought about the twins and needed to share it.

For some reason she thinks they're going to be born on an eclipse, because then they'll be taking the sun's rays. Im not sure what she means but I'm not going to ask.

"It's going to be one boy and one girl. One for both of us," she said excitedly. "I like the names Cyrus and Vega."

"Cyrus?" She nodded. "So Uri, Nasima, Vega and Cyrus?"

"Yeah, what's wrong with it?"

"All these colorful names and then Cyrus. Mom wouldn't it's too normal for her. Kiran maybe."

There was a knock on the door and mom came in arching a brow at us. "Was I not invited to this sleep over."

Nasima got up and went to her room while mom smiled at her leave. I thought mom was going to leave, but she didn't. She closed the door and sat down on my bed.

"You haven't seen any of my old friends too have you?" I shook my head. "Uri."


"Uri," she said more seriously.

"Bellum," I said trying to at take the seriousness out of the conversation.

She huffed and closed her eyes , like she was irritated with me even though that's impossible. She loves me too much plus mom only gets irritated with other people not family. If it is its with her mom and sometimes aunt Kali.

"Uri, I need you to be honest and talk to me. I really don't want to do games today. I know what you're trying to do and I'm not mad, I just need the truth."

"Okay. Okay." I paused to remember who it was and she waited patiently. "I think his name was Tavis, but that was a long time ago." Mom got still almost like she was about to explode. "Mom?... Are you okay?"

She nodded getting up slowly heading to the door. "When did you meet him?"

"That day I got in the big fight," I said shyly.

It was kind of because of him the fight happened. He told me what they were going to do and then what to do when it happens. I never knew exactly why he was there all I know is that I saw him before then, but he never talked to me.

"Have you seen him again after that?"

I shrugged thinking about it and taking in mom's state. Her hair was slowly starting to form deep waves which only meant she was getting upset. I learned that when I was little. The only thing is when I asked she told me some dummy story that she was cursed when she was little by a witch, so now her hair changes with her mood. I'm not sure about you but I don't believe that bull. Witches aren't real. But either way she was getting upset and she wasn't in a joking mood.

"Yes ma'am."


I shrugged. "I don't know it was some years ago. But I haven't heard nor seen him after that." She nodded and went to leave. "Hey mom?"

She peeked her head in the door. "Tavis was never a friend?"

She sighed and turned my lights off. "He was at one point, but don't worry about that. Get some sleep okay." She paused taking a shaky breath. "We have a big day tomorrow. Goodnight."

Even though it's mom and dads anniversary week, we're going to dad's parents house. I've never really met them before. All I know is that when dad visits we stay back and mom drinks.

They don't like her much and I'm not sure why. I have seen them once, we didn't really meet exactly though. Mom brought me over to get to know dad and things kind of spiraled out of control then.

Until I was about 4 it was just mom and I in London. But uncle Damon showed up at her flat and we left in a rush. I met dad and he was cool about everything but not his parents. I remember them being both terrified and angry with mom being there. They said really awful things, so mom snatched me up and we went back home. Dad followed and we moved here in Nevada.

So I guess this'll be a do over tomorrow, but who knows. I've seen worse things happen.

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