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Having to be the one to listen to Makenna and Ty go back and forth takes a lot out of a guy. I was told we can't kill other demons and some beings, but she had him on the fine line of life and death. She had him strung up in a tree by a leaf. I'm still not sure how, but he was up there.

She dropped him, staring as he gasped for air. "Doesn't feel good does it?"

"How many times do I have to say sorry for you to get that I mean it," Ty said between coughs.

She stood there crossed arms. "Until you can get it through your head of what I have to go through and what I will go through."

He nodded glancing over my way for help. I held my hands up because I can't help here. I've seen how she's treated I don't want her to double it for me.

"Okay," he said finally getting his breathing in order.

"He will kill me, do you understand?! He knows one of these days I will snap and he will kill me-"

"You don't kno-"

"I will slit your throat. I will drag every piece of you to the end of this world and as soon as you think it's over you will wish you never existed," Makenna gritted out. "The first time he saw me, I fought him. He whispered that in my ear while I was choking on my own blood. I know good and well that he wants me dead."

I didn't know that little bit. When she was all a bloody mess I didn't realize how serious that was. I knew she was on a borderline of life and death, but I didn't realize that was only a warning.

He didn't want her dead at that moment but at a different time. These past times he's attacked her was to make sure she remembered that. It's why she keeps saying it. It all makes sense now.

Wow I'm slow.

"Okay," Ty said finally. "What if you're not the one fighting him?"

"He is a war demon. He's meant to fight other war demons or angels. The only ones who can stop him is either me when I'm at my fullest or my mom and she won't do that."

"Why," I heard myself say.

She shook her head. "She's a slave and she still has the slightest feelings for him. Even if she did, she would be dragged down to wherever he lands in Hell. Slaves aren't supposed to fight their masters no matter what."

"Yeah," Ty agreed like he had enough experience with that subject.

After sharing some looks he explained. The guy was crazy. Fighting and arguing with Lucifer is suicide. I get it's all for a good cause, but no. Jaime wouldn't stay upset forever.

"How long have they been talking," Ty asked looking at Makenna and Jaime.

"For awhile now."


He eyed him like he was dead meat. "I don't like being used for evading privacy. Go out there like normal people and see for yourself."

That was a tone I didn't expect to hear from him. He was always well put when it came to other people. Not saying I don't like it, it was just unexpected. The kind of unexpected that I didn't want to speak on. The kind that-

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