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"So let me get this straight. Cable is your ex, Damon is your ex, Raelyn is your ex and dad was but because of reasons you couldn't stay away," I asked mom. She nodded shrugging a bit. "Alright. Ty and Jamie are Cable's kids. You have killed both of their mothers-"

"More or less," she said quietly.

"Right," I dragged out. "Lacey is Tavis' daughter, but you scared him away years ago. You, Cable and Travis-"


"Tavis are enemies, but because of the title you have or something-"

She held her hand up stopping me there. "It's not or something, what is it? You have to know and understand these things, Uri." I was about to ask why again, but she cut me off. "You know why."

I huffed staring up at the sky. " 'Cause pissy shit demons will try to test me," I mocked. "They will ask for my ranking and I will tell them because I'm the grandson of Lucifer, Uriel and Aniel. Also my mother is a... bridge?"

She put up a smile and nodded some. I know she's trying but this is confusing to me. I don't understand why it's necessary to know it. But Nasima called her from inside.

Mom jumped down off the tree, heading inside.  I stayed, focusing on the fire we were talking about earlier. Mom said since I can already get hot it should be easy to have it come to me. She showed me that if you hold you palm out, rub your fingertips across it and out it should be there. I got it on my sixth try. Now I can almost do it each try.

"Hey, Torchy, you wanna go to the beach?," Makenna shouted up at me.

I jumped down near her so we wouldn't be yelling the whole time. "Are you meeting that guy?"

Her cheeks immediately grew a dark red from embarrassment. She nodded in response though.

"Are the other guys going?"

"I sure hope not... if I'm being honest, my ma won't let me leave unless I'm with either you or Noah. I trust you," she said kind of quickly.

"Uh huh," I said thinking about it. "You're just using me to go out."

"No, that's not it at all. I mean part of it- I just," she sighed giving up a bit. "If I tell you something will you not get weird about it?" I shrugged. "This whole time here you've basically been there for me and I really appreciate that because not many people do that and put up with me. So I thought it would be okay to ask you and do something to show my appreciation. If not I can try to ask Noah or I just won't go."

Now this is awkward. I only did what I thought a decent human being would do. She was awful at the start but she's growing on me. She just needed attention that's it.

"How will you owe me? I'll go, but I want to know first."

"There's two options. I can help make things good with your grandparents or you can have the surprise."

I thought about it for a little. I do want to get good with my grandparents but I don't know. But if I can be good with them maybe they'll be nice to mom at least while we're here. But that's only being really optimistic. How does she know anyway? And why is she smiling at me?


"When you think of your mom you're eyes kind of turn a softer green, kinda ivy like."

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