
"Hey we're going to the mall, do you want to come with?" I think Charming said.

I wasn't so much confused by who it was, but what he was wearing threw me off. He had on my skirt and my crop top, with hopefully not my bra and a black wig. Chance came in second and he had on my dress with some heels and a brown wig in a bun. And I honestly thought it stopped there but it didn't.

"Is she coming or not," Noah asked coming in wearing my leggings and my Pink shirt in only heaven knows who's uggs, with a blonde wig.

He dragged Uri with him and he also had on my clothes. My skirt, my shirt that didn't fit exactly and he had on this ginger curly wig.

I couldn't be too mad at it because it was kind of funny. I just don't appreciate them going through my clothes.

"Umm." That's all I could manage for awhile. "I actually want to see how this goes, so sure."

Noah shook his head. "Uh huh, sweetie, we need us a handsome brute to go with us," he said with an obnoxious nasally girl voice.

They threw in their clothes and left me to put them on. They even threw in their underwear. At this point I don't even care if I'm being honest. It started off weird it'll end weird. I'm just glad these clothes are clean.

I took my shorts that are basically guys underwear and put them on. I took whosever pants and put them on letting it sag since it didn't fit. I found the biggest shirt and put it on as well. They must've thought of the basics because i don't have a hat. Unless they knew i had some of course. I put my tennis shoes and drew on a slight mustache and stubble.

"I don't know why I agreed to this," I said finally coming out.

They whistled and hollered, just clapping and smiling. I laughed and shook my head, because we look like something else.

"Oh my-" Belle said and busted out laughed.

I'm talking she's in complete tears. Damon was with her and he just shook his head at his son.

"Give me a little twirl," Hades said to the twins and they did. "My babies are just so beautiful," he mocked in a light voice.

"Noah, honey," Naomi started trying to hold in her laugh. "Why are you guys doing this? And why did you let them talk you into it?"

"Chance said I'd make an ugly girl. Things kinda escalated from there. We're going to the mall to find out. Don't worry it's just all us girls and we have a strong guy to help if things get crazy."

We went on our way with Noah driving. I sat in the back sadly between the twins. We've established I'm Mack, Uri is Aria, Noah is Nola, Chance is Cherise and Charming is Charlotte.

I just wish they would stop with the girl voices for right now. They did that and assumed it would be so cute for them to practice their singing as well, which was horrible.

Charming thought I wasn't having any fun and like it was kind of true so he grabbed my arms and forced me to dance. It was just really embarrassing and not making me laugh. If anything my cheeks were just red the whole time.

"Charlotte," Chance yelled in his girl voice. "Mack is not here to mack with you, so hands off the goods." They swatted at each other and almost hit me.

In the end he let go and glared at his twin. "Fine, but I have my eyes on you."

"Well if you incest, but this peep show has a price darling."

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