
Why do I have to go all the way to Rhode Island it's not like they're my grandparents in the first place? Now I have to wake up at ungodly hours to get ready. It's 4 in the morning, who are we trying to beat? Just so stupid.

I'm not even going to bother looking nice. Sweats and hoodie it is. Who cares about looks, not me. No makeup and messy hair and hat. I look like a freaking model. Let's go.

"Ma! I'm ready!"

I hauled my suitcase out my room and slung over my other bag. I was almost out the room, but ran back to grab my pillow.

"Makenna, honey, what's going on here," Ma said looking me up and down with distaste.

"I'm going to Paris fashion week. I call this look teen angst. You like?"

She groaned and walked away. "Just help your father with Luana."

"He's not my father," I muttered under my breath.

"Don't start with me today! Go help with Luana."

I walked away and caught my tongue, right now wouldn't be great to get into it with her. Maybe after breakfast when we're both somewhat level headed.

I went in Luana's nursery to find out that man was nowhere in sight. Now I'll admit it for this second, but just this one time. He is my dad he's just a little not here. I don't know where he goes or what he does, but he's not here. He misses a lot and I don't know why my mom is with him. But it's whatever.

Luana started crying so I quickly ran to find her a bottle. Sadly mom packed everything and once it's packed and put up there's no finding it. And she's busy so her boobs aren't going to be out in use. So I rocked her, hoping she'll fall back asleep. But I'm bad with babies so this isn't working.

"Excuse me," some guy knocked.

He was tall, had brown wavy hair and green eyes. He looked slightly familiar so this is why I'm not freaking. Although that still doesn't seem safe. But I assume he was let in, seeing as no alarms went off.

"Can I help you," I said bouncing around trying to simmer Luana down.

"They said you might need help downstairs," he said politely keeping his head slightly low.

"I got this. Who are you again?"

"Uri, we've met before," he said lowly finding ma's baby bag.

Why didn't I see that. He took out the formula, went to fill up a bottle and brought it back handing it to me. It was too easy for him and Luana stopped crying.

"You have a baby?"

He laughed and shook his head. "I have a little sister and my aunt Sophia owns a daycare... But I'll leave you to it, since you got this. We leave in 5 minutes."

He left but there was something oddly familiar to him. Like yeah he said we met, but a lot of people say that. Like old people. They say remember me and I'm like of course because, everyone remembers every person they've come into contact with at 4 months. Maybe I'll remember later.

My mom said there's other kids coming along on the trip. I think uncle Damon's kid is coming and also Hades' kids. It's seems more like a sausage fest if you ask me. The only other girls going are apparently Uri's sister and Luana. So maybe I'll be babysitting this whole trip.

Someone please kill me.

"Ma, can I go home?"

She stared at me sternly. "Makenna, if you ask me again, I'm going to flip. Now stop it."

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