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"You did what!"

"Shhh," Jamie shushed me.

"No don't shush me, are you-" I growled out of frustration from all the voices telling me to calm down. "Tell me exactly what you did and said."

Jamie repeated once again what happened last night all the way through. I'm just a little annoyed that she said that and asked him about Ty. I just can't right now.

"Trust me, he's not thinking about it anymore," She assured me.

I huffed going out meeting Uri at the door. He scared the mess out of me. Why he's here is beyond my knowledge all I know is I'm hungry. So I kept going because nobody is stopping me from eating.

I went in the kitchen making me some pancakes and bacon. Emphasis on the me. But the twins didn't seem to think so.

"Makenna, Makenna, Makenna, hey Makenna. Ma. Ken. Na," they kept saying like little annoying kids.

"What," I hissed, sitting down to eat my food.

"Can we have some," Charming asked. I shook my head no. "Oh come on."

"Everything is still left out, make it yourself. I'm eating."

I ate. I ate uncomfortably but I ate. All they wanted to do was stare at me. I'm talking face on table, puppy dog eyes and pouting just staring at me. It was just too much.

"What the f- I'm not wearing that," Noah yelled marching down. "What kind of island is this," he asked me, holding up his outfit.

It wasn't much. At least Uri got shorts because I'm sure it can get worse.

"A fun one," is all I could say and I went up.

Jamie was changed in a tight short leather black dress, with a golden snake cuffed around her arm. Now I'm nervous for my outfit. She slyly pointed to the side and I just about had the same reaction as Noah. But I was much more calmer about it.

I went down snapping for Uri's attention. "Uh so not feeling what I have to wear. Is it really necessary?" He nodded and pointed for me to go up. "Are you serious right now?!- You know what, fine. Just wait until we get there."

I put on the damned one piece dark almost black red leather corset. Then the plated black panel cut skirt, that showed way to much for comfort. Oh yeah that was also leather with a metal belt. And guess what I had. Leather boots to match. It was just too much. I'm definitely putting a huge shirt over this.

"Maken-" I pulled Jamie back in before she could finish.

"What the fuck," I whispered yelled.

She laughed a little. "You look stunning, but let me help."

Jamie gripped my hair, putting it in a high ponytail, tussling it around. She gave me thick armbands for each arm.

"Jamie, Makenna, it's time to go," Uri said knocking.

I huffed putting my shirt on. Jamie laughed at the idea, but didn't say anything. We stepped out since we were the ones doing the whole traveling. Jamie was taking and had Uri and Chance. I was taking and had Noah and Charming.

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