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She saw me. All I was trying to do was talk to Nasima. I could get in her mind, but it'd be better if she was awake. It's like something is still interfering though.

"What the f-"

"Kenna," Nasima said blindly reaching out for her. "Kenna," she said more urgently. "I think mommy- I need to go see mommy."

She held her eyes closed, holding onto her crystal necklace. She wasn't fully awake, so she might not remember, but Makenna is fully awake and staring at me.

Instead of saying something she rolled her eyes and got up taking Nasima with her. I flashed out the room before she could call for anyone.

I just needed to see if Belle's children had any power. I guess I can't find out any time soon. They seem to always have someone around them. Uri is always with... ahaha. I got it. Now to think like Ty.
Kissing Uri was pure luck. What better way to find out about him from it. As far as I can tell he is like his mother. His lips were hot and discovering further it didn't stop there. His mouth was like fire, but I couldn't stop. He'd know I did something. I was slowly creeping into his mind, but that's when he pushed away.

Noah left and now I'm feeling like that was a mistake. But hey he is the one that turns me away. He even stood me up, while I was in a dress.

"Wow, you are something else," Makenna said under her breath while looking at her phone.

I knitted my brows together. "Excuse me?"

"Oh nothing."

She's the one who I don't understand. I don't get why she hates me. I've done nothing to the girl.

"Are you jealous or something?"

She laughed and shook her head. "Oh wow. Yes I'm jealous that you gave my basically cousin his first kiss."

I shook my head, getting up to see where Noah headed off, but I tripped. I tripped over the pizza boxes after I realized there might still be some inside. I fell onto Makenna, accidentally snagging on her belly ring. She screamed out in pain after shoving me off and moved away.

"I didn't mean to do that," I said quickly.

"It's okay, she'll relax," Chance said looking back.

I went to talk to Noah, but left when I realized this wouldn't go over well if I stayed. Whatever there may be about her I don't want to find out right now.

When I got home dad was stretched out over the couch. I placed a blanket over him, heading to my room afterwards. I laid in my bed thinking and thinking about what I could do next, but for some reason I just couldn't get Uri out of my mind. Now Ty would say that's a sign. A sign and a disadvantage, but I'm not sure what Ty would do exactly in this case.

So I called up Lacey. She was here in no time. Lacey is my best friend, has been since I was born. Lacey was one of those girls that no matter what or who you were she would always catch your attention. She's beautiful and I envy that. Her hair is a short black choppy pixie cut and she had these piercing blue eyes.

"Jamie," she squealed. "You rang."

"Yeah," I feigned a smile which immediately made her frown.

"Okay who do I have to kill this time."

I shook my head pushing the knives that appeared in her hand down. "No no. No need for that this time. I don't want you getting hurt." She rolled her eyes. "Seriously. Anyways, I have a little problem."

She cut her eyes then smiled, throwing herself on my bed. "Go on."

"So I had this like date sort of with Noah-"

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