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Maze is living the life. Men worship the ground she spits on and they genuinely do admire her. I just want to be on her level of living.

"Jamie, can you see what's taking Makenna and Noah so long," Uri yawned, lazily stretching against the chair.

If I could pick one guy to have from here I have no doubt on who it would be. But I can't. And I have to get Noah to get him here with the group. Don't know why I'm the one to get the two. I thought I was telling the guys what to do here. But noooo it's because Uri's aunt owns the place.

I knocked on Makenna's door, that slowly opened itself. For a second I was confused if this was her room or not, because she's not here. So I went to Noah's door. I'm guessing he's seen her since they aren't that far from each other.

I knocked but there was no answer. I tried the handle but it was locked. So I knocked harder and still no answer. If he won't answer I'll open the door myself. With a quick thought the door unlocked. Not because of me, but I guess he figured he should finally come to the door.

"Yeah," he yawned, cracking the door open.

"You guys can not be this tired it's not like you all did anything-"


I rolled my eyes. "Okay have you seen Makenna?" He jerked his thumb behind him. "You didn't- you two didn't..." I waved it off trying to get my thoughts together. "Uri wants to see all of us."

"Okay give us a few minutes-"

"You have seconds."

I hoped she would be with someone else besides Ty. It is a better fit because they're both stubborn. It's just... I don't know it's kinda weird. I've never really seen Noah with anyone and well he's my best friend it's just weird. I'm not sure how to describe it. It's always been just us. Me with no one and him alone. I just don't know. Not saying it's bad I'm just at lost for words I guess.

"Where are they," Uri asked me when I walked back in.

"Um they're coming," I said a little unsure of what to say. He waited for me to say more and I'm just so confused. "It shouldn't be long. Makenna was asleep and I think Noah was changing I'm- I don't know," I stammered around.

"So what's up," Makenna said coming in.

Uri stared at me for a little before giving his attention to Makenna then Noah when he came in. He nodded like he understood what I haven't said. Don't know if that's good or bad, but it's something.

"Maze wanted to talk to us."

"What about the twins," Makenna asked.

"They're keeping Sheila distracted. So we should hurry before she catches on," Uri explained leading the way out.

When he said "keeping Sheila distracted" I didn't think he meant this close to us. But sure enough, she was very much so distracted. I don't know what they are doing all I know is that they keep splitting the ground and making fruit. Don't get how it's that distracting but Sheila's eyes were glued to them.

"So how come she can't know you're here," I asked Uri as we made our way through the forest.

"My mom doesn't like Sheila and if she knows I'm here she's going to hold it over my mom's head that one of her kids came here on their own," he told me lowly.

"Oh okay..." he sighed and turned to me. "What?"

"I can read emotions. What do you want to ask?"

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