
Why are there people in my spot? This is my spot. My place. Nobody else's. I peeped around the corner and it was some girl screaming, but she wasn't being attacked. There was this other lady with her, but she looked like a few days from giving birth.

I wanted to practice some stuff, but I guess I'll have to some other time. Going back I tripped over one of my door covers. They must've just threw it here when they got in.

Stupid hu-

The girl stopped her whatever she wanted to call it and now they were coming my way. I got up running, but it was like my legs wouldn't move. I clawed and clawed but nothing was working.

The lady waddled over, telling the girl to stay back. She helped me up and for a split second I could see her wings. I jerked back because although angels are nice they don't like me much. Maybe she found my place and is trying to get rid of me. Am I that pathetic that they had to send a pregnant angel? I didn't even know they could get pregnant.

"Please don't kill me. I've done nothing wrong."

She looked at me confused. "I'm not going to kill you. If this is your place we'll gladly leave." She looked over at the girl and she collapsed. "Unless you've done something that I'm not yet aware of?"

I shook my head. "No."

The woman helped the girl up although she was still unconscious. "Then I have no problem with you. Is this your territory?" I nodded sorta and she smiled. "Okay, we'll be on our way."

What a strange angel. Usually the nice ones still say something or do something. She just said okay and started leaving. It's like she was feeling in the wrong for being here. Maybe she just got her wings.

"You're a different type of angel, you know that."

She winked at me like it was our kind of secret. "And don't you forget it."

Now she left. I could practice some other day, I'll just tell dad I did. It's getting late and I don't want to run into any other angels. I doubt they'll be as kind as she was.

I flashed over to my room, resting on my bed. Dad kept telling me I needed to brush up on my skills. Not exactly sure why and he won't say either. But it's kind of hard to remember something you've taught yourself a long time ago by accident.

"Jamie," dad called out. "Are you back?"

I went downstairs to him in his little study. "Yeah, what's up?"

He shook his head and looked down at the dirt on my clothes. "What happened?"

I bit the inside of my lip a little. "I got a little spooked."

He stared up at me from his papers. "By?"

"An angel, but don't worry she didn't touch me or anything. I saw her, she saw me and left and I practiced."

He has this phobia of angels for some reason. Like I get it, but I'm the only true demon in this house. He still is one, but he's not the same, especially since mom died. He said it was because of an angel mom died. I'm not sure if it's true or not all I know is that she died shortly after I was born.

"What did this angel look like?"

I thought about it because I didn't really focus on her face as much. She was kind of hard to look at.

"Um she had long black hair. I think she had green eyes. She was really pregnant-"


"Like she looked like she'll be due in a couple days."

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