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Makenna stayed to herself for awhile. She was in the corner reading something on her phone. Every now and then her hand would rub on her neck and chest. I realized that was probably a nervous habit.

I moved over in front of her, looking up at her. "What," she said still looking at her phone. I shook my head. "Weirdo."

She got up going outside. Her ring shifted in her hand as I watched through the window. She stood there waiting and waiting and finally some girls walked up to her. They yelled and argued. For a second I thought they were going to fight, so I moved over to the door. The other girls stopped and stared at me.

"Noah, leave," Makenna gritted out, shifting her ring to a gun.

"No, Noah, stay," one of them said. "Is this your boyfriend?"

She was staring at Makenna waiting, but Makenna tightened her grip on the gun. "No."

She cut her eyes and Makenna shot at her feet, causing her to move back. "You're going to hide behind a gun?"

"Noah, listen for once and leave."

I left. As soon as I did several gun shots went off. I stood there waiting. Uri came down, glanced outside and went on minding his business.

Makenna came back in swearing under her breath. She dropped her ring in the sink running water over it. She was really scrubbing at her hands.

I was walking over but she shook her head saying don't. "Why?"

"You're still squeamish of blood right?"

I nodded and moved back. "What did they want?"

She stared at the sink while the water ran. "She wanted to kill my "boyfriend", since I accidentally killed her's... That's what happens when everyone listens and watches your life. I'm taking a shower."

She went up and I went outside. The girls weren't in sight anymore. No trace of them being there was evident. No blood. No footprints. Just nothing.

Since I was out I thought it was a good time to practice. Before dad turned up missing he tried helping me but I just couldn't do what he wanted. It didn't feel right. I couldn't take any form of life like that. It's because of that fear, I don't get how Makenna can do it.

I couldn't practice. I couldn't bring myself to do it. So I went back in and waited outside the door. Meanwhile... I didn't know she was a singer. It was quiet but I heard it.

"What are you doing," I heard her call out.

It made me jump, but I thought she could've been talking to someone else. That was until she came out in her towel with her red hair still dripping.

"What do you want," she said again clenching to the towel, but I was at lost for words. So she snapped in my face. "Hello?"

"Sorry. I was just-... Can you help me?"

She eyed me weirdly backing into the bathroom a little. "With what?"

"Nothing weird, I promise. I just need help with my power."

She smirked and shook her head, going into the bathroom. I thought she was going to just avoid it, but she came out changed and gestured me to follow.

"You know you didn't have to wait outside the bathroom to ask."

We went back out and almost immediately she threw a vase at me. My mom worked really heard on sculpting that too. Before I could say she threw another.

"What are you doing?!"

"Helping," she threw another. "You want me to stop?"

When I tried answering she threw another one, so I grabbed her hands before she could lift one more. I wish I knew she picked up a shard before I grabbed her. Blood was trickling down her arm and onto my hands.

I moved back, but she grabbed my arm. "Let go."

"No." I shoved her back, but she fell into the shards resulting in more blood. "I swear if you throw up on me, I'm never helping again."

It wasn't so much as I wanted to throw up. It was more of I was about to faint. I was getting way too light headed right now.

"Make a tight fist," she said.

I did and slowly the need to faint went away. The need to throw up was there. I had just enough time to turn before I threw up.

"That's not what I meant when I asked for help."

She shrugged. "Yeah well things don't always die without shedding blood. You needed to see it." She healed up quickly and moved from the vases. "Let's go," she said walking towards the trees. "My mom set up a simulation here. You'll think you're getting overwhelmed and you'll want it to stop, but it won't until most are gone.  Just so you know I don't know what you see or hear during this. This all comes from your head not mine."

She kicked a rock over and fog started seeping threw the ground. The ground shook and little pebbles shot up that became people. They looked confused at first then came at me. It was all such a blur. They were looking at me then I was flat on my back staring up at the sky.

Makenna came walking over me to help me up. I think she said something but my ears were ringing. She shook her head then took her place on a branch.

The pebble people came back again. This time she threw a bat down at me. The first pebble person to approach me looked like Ty. I looked up at Makenna and she gestured me to go. I swung the bat across his face and he fell backwards. The next few were more copies of him, but this time they fought back.

I managed to get those away and break them apart. The next few looked like... well a girl. I wasn't going to fight her. She pounced at me knocking me backwards. I held the bat up to my chest to push these copies away, but it wasn't working.

It's not like I have any problems fighting a girl when she initiates the fight. Not that I would fight her as hard, because some rules still apply. I just can't do it now. It didn't feel right. But I have to kill most to end this. I moved from the girls, swinging this bat like crazy. Now this was over.

"Woah," Makenna said ducking and grabbing the bat.

"Jesus," I breathed. "I thought you were... nevermind. Is that it?"

She knitted her brows together. "What did you see?" I shook my head and she tried hiding a smile. "Okay. Yeah that's it."

"Wait." She kept going back to the house. "Makenna, stop."

She did and when I reached her she was pissed. "Let me go, Noah."

"Okay." She closed her eyes and went to punch me, but I caught her hand before she could. "Why?"

She let out a shaky breath. "I'm sorry, accident."

I don't know how nor will I test it again, but you have to admit it was pretty cool. Just a little bit. I let go of her and she hit me anyway. I felt on my lip and thankfully I wasn't bleeding, but it still caught me off guard.

"Can we do something else?"

"I can't help you that much with your powers... you'd kill me. But we-"

"Makenna," Uri yelled from the door. "Ty is here to see you."

"Great," we both said.

I wish he would've shown up during the simulator so I could have mistaken him.

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