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"I'm not babysitting and doing all the leg work here. I'm clumsy and it's dark. I can fight, but I also get tired walking up one stair, so do not expect everything from me," I told Chance.

Believe it or not Nasima is more than capable of taking care of herself. I'm just worried about Chance. Like I said it's dark and if he touches me I will flip.

Ma said we're playing capture the flag. This means we're going against the others and getting one flag. One flag that is in the middle of some apparently "weak" demons and demons that Belle has told to come play. She said we need to practice and what better way to learn by doing. Isn't she so clever. It's not like playing in the dark is dangerous but let's just add some demons as well to make it more exciting. Haha no.

But at least now they know how I felt when mom has been training me these past few days. It was one way of taking my anger out and learning fast.

"Alright Nasima do you remember what I told you," I asked her as she climbed on Chances back.

"Tell you when I see something."

"And what else?"

"Hold on tight and no falling off." I nodded and waved my hand for the last thing. "Oh if he's being stupid kick him."

"Bingo," I winked. "Okay let's go."

We lined up at the starting line and waited for the signal. The boys had Noah in front like he knew these woods the best, but he doesn't. Damon told me that a while back. He gets lost every time.

In the distance thick fog started seeping out of the trees. I huffed because it just made things harder. I trip almost every time, this fog isn't going to help me any. But that didn't matter right now because the flare signal has just been sparked.

I took off running with Noah almost on my heels. The trees were huge and the fog was thicker than I thought so I did not see this demon come until the last second. I moved back and it tackled Charming. I kept going hurdling over some logs.

"Makenna," Nasima screamed. I stopped and turned around looking back.

Chance stopped to look at me. "What?"

"Why did she scream?"

He looked around confused. "She didn't."

"Yes she-"


It sounds like her, but I'm staring dead at her. I was shoved knocking all of the air out of me. I rolled around and out when I saw someone coming at me with a knife. Before I could get up I was kicked in my stomach. It hurt so bad I couldn't breath. But I blocked the second kick and moved out. I was stuck on the ground but I was somewhat away from this person not the other three.

"Oh man I've been waiting to do this," a familiar voice said.

It was Tessa one of my friends from home. They were all my friends. Or I thought they were. And they were demons, go figure. I tried getting up, but she stepped on my hair.

"Some would say this is a bitch move, but we're all just bitches here. And you're the biggest one of all."

She was about to place a nice little dagger between my eyes, but I had already shifted my ring to a gun. I shot her hand off and she screamed. I couldn't get up , because of the others surrounding me. And Chance was who knows where.

My gun turned to a sword and I quickly sliced at their legs getting up to run. Chance had Nasima backed against a tree while he fought off some lizard thing with a little branch.

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