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I woke up to the worse headache of my life. Last thing I remembered was fighting Makenna. I didn't want to, I really didn't and I didn't want to say those things to her in her head. I knew it would hit a nerve I'm just surprised she held back this whole time.

"Rise and shine, cupcake," Chance said leaning over me.

It made me jump back from how close he was. "Please tell me he didn't kiss me."

Everyone laughed, but I was very serious. The kind of serious where he's tried that before and it weirded me out.

"He's back," Charming laughed.

Noah stared at me for a little before he nodded. He walked out and I'm wondering why he was so quiet. For once I couldn't feel everyone's emotions. Not sure if that's good or bad, so far I'm not mad at it.

"What's Noah's problem," I asked sitting up and moving away from Chance more.

"Not sure. Jamie came and he's been quiet since," they explained together.

I didn't miss that part about them. I feel like they forget that they can speak separately sometimes. Both of them talking at once can get annoying because they purposely try to echo at times.

"Why is Jamie here?" I looked at the clock. "It's 1 in the morning."

Now Chance pointed at Charming to explain while he stepped out. "Her dad kicked her out. She also said that she wasn't ever going back. So her and Makenna are talking about daddy issues, while Noah is trying to convince her to go back."

"She won't if she left for the reason I know," he waited for me to carry on. "It's not my business to say."

Charming huffed and Chance came back joining in. He probably tried to figure out the issue and got kicked out. They'll know soon enough. The walls are too thin for them not to know.

I excused myself to go and speak with them, but I stopped before I reached their door when I felt someone trying to get in my head. I thought it was Tavis again, so I was ready this time. It wasn't. It was a voice I knew all too well and it was about time I heard it again.

"Uri, sweetie, it's actually your mom. No games, no tricks or anything. I need you to listen, so nod your head if you understand." I did. "Great! Okay we're stuck in Hell and we need all you kids to help pull us out. We drained our last bit of power to get here. Which means we need to borrow everyone's. It also means you have to put your foot down and get your commanders in check. Helping us results in more demons after you all and you're alone and young so that's even more. I know you can handle it. Just remember chess and you'll be alright... I have to go now, I love you Uri," she drifted off.

"I love you too mom," I whispered.

Now to get everyone in check.... Either they'll think I'm still possessed or they won't take me as serious. I don't want to use my blackouts as a scare tactic, because I honestly hate when that happens. But mom did say chess and her game is very much different. She taught me her way at an early age.
"It's not about how many pieces you have left on the board it's about how you use them," mom told me as we sat outside of a little coffeeshop.

"But what if it's just the queen and king?"

She smiled picking her queen up. "Best believe this queen can do anything. She can become any piece she wants. She can guard and distract while the king is strategically taking the others one by one. He doesn't rush, but if he falls, game over."

I nodded looking at the board. It was impossible, mom took all but 6 pieces from me, while I went against the rest of her set. All I had was a king, queen, knight, rook, bishops and pawn. Needless to say I lost in 5 minutes.

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