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It was time to leave the island and its kind of hard to say goodbye to it so soon. This place is far too interesting and crazy to stay though, so it's time to go. Plus Makenna and Jamie gawking over every guy seen there was starting to get annoying. At least us guys didn't do that to every female.....

"It's time to go back to sleep," Makenna grumbled into the couch when we returned back.

"No, you know what time it is," Uri told her going out to the back.

I have never heard her make that noise before, but it sounded very distressed. "You think after getting the three of us here I can do more," Makenna yelled following after him.

The twins went out to watch, I stayed back to make sure Jamie was okay. She had the same reaction as Makenna except hers took place on the floor. No words just straight to the floor and sleep.

I nudged her some, but she wasn't budging. "Jamie, come on seriously the sooner the better." The twins started shouting in the back, followed with a lot of banging and clashing metal. I shook Jamie some more but turned her around. "Jamie, wake up."

I wasn't dealing with another one of these. Especially given the situation. That situation being there was a bloody demon floating and dripping blood through the house. I got up, going for the floor lamp as a weapon. It neared me but soon fell hard to the ground. Its body shook and then exploded leaving a black dust stain in its place. I looked up to see Makenna leaning against the wall for support while her ring slowly slithered to her finger.

"I had it," I complained, because I seriously had it.

"That wasn't the deal. It doesn't matter we need to get Jamie," she grumbled slowly making her way over to her.

"What's wrong with her?"

"She's stupid," Makenna muttered. "When we flash from one place to another the ones doing the whole trip can sometimes see people. She saw someone who made a very believable lie to help us. Now we got demons."

I'm not following. That trip took only 1 second maybe even less than that. There isn't enough time to make small talk. But then again everything I knew before doesn't matter.

"Okay, so what do you mean by get her?"

Makenna closed her eyes letting out a long sigh. "She's in hell. Which means I have to show you all how to move your spirit from one place to another and pull others with you while also dealing with the army outside." She grimaced some. "And I'm still weak."

"Alright what do I do," I asked quickly before she lost all of her color.

"You have to focus on your dad's- or whosever talking to you- voice. You have to trust it's them because you're following blindly. Once you get that location it's a literal quick breath. The wind will feel knocked out of you and that's how you know you did it right. Now either I'll lead you back or you'll follow behind and I hope you know the difference." She glanced back down at Jamie then me. "Stay with her."

I nodded and she started to leave out. "Makenna," she turned back. "Just be careful."

She laughed shaking her head. "I'll try." Makenna changed her ring into a spiked whip heading back out.

I snuck a look outside and I wish I hadn't. The horror out there wasn't like anything I've ever seen. The twins were in the air held up by their toes by several winged demons. They fought, but they were only getting higher. Uri was on the ground fighting off 5 demons spewing fire at him while he was trying not to entirely black out. Makenna, sneaky her, was climbing up a tree with the whip in her mouth. She perched herself on a branch looking at the madness. Carefully getting her balance she walked along the small branch then launched herself at one of the demons that had the twins.

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