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"Okay, but like how do we bring this up," I asked dangling off the side of the bed.

"Do we have to," Noah countered pulling me back so he could stare down at me.

I rolled away to focus. "In 2 weeks I leave to head back. I think it's only right."

"You can pop up from place to place why is here different?"

He knows why. "I'm going to really try to work things out with my ma. I don't want to get in trouble for doing that," I told him once again.

We aren't official, because it just really started. I'd rather have my ma or whoever know so it's not such a huge thing when they find out. Have you seen Belle when you tell her something or when she calls something and it turns out to be true? Everyone will know and she doesn't let me live things down. I'd rather get it over now.

"Fine," Noah huffed, grabbing ahold of my hand. He laid next to me staring into my eyes. "If you want that, then okay."

He kissed my hand and I smiled at the little gesture. Sitting in silence for a moment you could hear knocking against the walls. It was like it was all around us but we weren't in any alarm.

"Well somebody is having a good time," I laughed.

"Must be nice," Noah muttered under his breath.


He flashed a smile to play it off. "No hard feelings."

"Uh huh," I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure it must be nice. Bet you never done that one before though," I joked.

He jerked my legs around him, staring down at me with those gray eyes. They looked over me for a second before returning back to mine. "Bet."

I arched my brow at him. "Oh really?"

"Like I said the walls are thin. The parentals informed me of that," he said lowly. He leaned over me some more near my ear to whisper. "So what's it gonna be? Are we betting or not"

My answer was cut with a different knocking at the door. I don't think I've ever seen someone get as annoyed as he did in that moment. Noah moved back and I answered it, staring at ma.

"Yes," I answered leaning on the door frame.

"Are you going to let me in or what?"

I shrugged, not really opening the door more than what was needed. "Now you want to come in? It's funny how you trapped me in a room and left me there like I didn't exist and now you want to come in." I laughed a little at the irony. "Funny, right?"

"You think I wanted you there? Leaving was hard on me-"

"Didn't sound like you struggled. Sounded more like you stood there, waited a second and left. So you may not have exactly wanted me there, but you didn't show otherwise," I said growing louder and irritated all over again.

"Makenna," she snapped.

I sighed trying my best to let it go, but it's hard. "I'm sorry, I don't know what I expected from you... But you're not here to talk about that are you?"

She was tense like she wanted to argue, but decided it wasn't the right time. "Can I come in or do you want your business out there?" I opened up, because it isn't the time to argue again. I closed the door and she stood by it glancing around the room. "When did you find out about the bond?"

Born In Hell (Book II)Where stories live. Discover now