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"I was starting to think you bailed on me," Ty said smiling at me. "And you've brought... Uri, is it?"

"I'm going for a swim" he said in response then left.

Uri's been quiet ever since that whatever that was. I asked about it on the way here but he wouldn't say or look at me. It's not like anything bad happened we got answers. Looking at his grandmothers face she was starting to understand them.

"What's wrong?" I shook my head. "Makenna-"

"Ow," I said quickly as soon as I sat down.

There was a small piece of glass deep in my thigh. My eyes widened because I'd be healing at any second. I'm sure Jamie told her brother about me, but I don't want this to be the way we bring it up.

I got up, holding the shard in place. He grabbed my hand tightly. I wanted to push away but he was surprisingly strong. I little bit too strong right now, unless I'm growing weak. That won't be good if that happens, because ma will be pissed.

"Ty, seriously let me go," I told him sternly.

"Let me help-"

"No, just let go!"

"Makenna," Uri said walking over to us. "Is everything alright?"

I snatched my hand back and nodded, heading over to the restroom. I went in the stall pulling out the shard, it was longer than I thought. I bled for two seconds before the hole stitched itself together.

"What happened," Uri asked when I came out.

"I sat on glass. I didn't want him to see me heal,"I said shyly.

"He'll see eventually."

I grew quiet and he dragged me back to Ty. He picked up a jagged rock and slashed it across his hand. I jumped, Ty stood up sharply staring at him like he was crazy, Uri, well he bled. Then he stopped, he healed and looked like nothing just happened.

"Do you have a problem with that?"

"I have no problem with it," he said calmly. "Some people can do what others can't."

Uri looked at him skeptical, but turned his attention back to me. "Do you have a problem with it?" I shook my head because of course I didn't. "Okay then what's the problem?"

"There's not one," I told him and sat back in the sand. "I panicked that was all," I blurted before I could stop.

That truth serum is still in effect. How could I be so stupid. Of course it was still working but why did my dumb self think it was okay to come here. I can't lie and Uri is starting to realize that.

He looked over at Ty. "Well I'll leave you two alone."

He left and I could just feel the awkwardness growing stronger. I didn't really want to look at him because I don't know what to talk about right now. Like hey my mom is a war demon in the four horsemen, cool right? No that's not gonna work.

Looking around to find something of interest to talk about. My eyes stopped on one person because she was staring straight at me. When I glanced at Ty he was looking at her too. Then Lacey showed up and she was walking straight towards us.

"Ty," she sang, smiling at him widely and completely disregarding me. "You're back, huh?"

He smiled at back up at her. "For a little yeah."

"Nice," she beamed. "Maybe we can hang out again."

"Yeah, maybe."

Her eyes lingered over him a little bit too much for comfort but I didn't say anything. "Later tonight."

Born In Hell (Book II)Where stories live. Discover now