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Jamie came here not too long ago. She didn't say anything to me, all she did was grab Makenna and locked them in her room. The walls are thin so I can't grasp the fact that I can't hear anything inside. She came here to my house, you would think she would speak first before she gets this comfortable.

I tried the door, but it's locked. I'm not sure how being a demon works still, if it come with super strength that would be great.

I knocked more urgently this time, because Uri would be up any second. "For real open the door." I waited and no response... Have you ever been so annoyed you're calm? That was this moment. "Open the door."

It clicked and I was faced with some not so happy faces. "I told you to stop with that," Makenna said lowly.

I shook my head going in and she shut the door quickly behind me. "What is going on? You can't just come in here without speaking and assume that's okay. Especially given the things that have been happening lately."

Jamie's eyes were glassy like she had been crying for awhile. I felt a little bad, but not much. I needed answers.

"I was kicked out," she said dryly, going over to sit down. "My dad... he... he lied!"


"He told me Belle killed my mother, but she didn't. He did! He let me believe that he was the innocent one here, that he cared for my mom," now Jamie was sobbing. "I'm so stupid-"

"No you're not," Makenna stopped her.  "You didn't know. You can't blame yourself for not knowing what he did. He should've told you, not let you find out on your own."

Jamie shook her head. "It's just not right. He pretended all this time that he actually cared."

I wanted to jump in, but Makenna gestured me not to. So we listened while Jamie kept going back and forth between being mad at herself, being mad at him and just completely shutting down. The only time anyone said anything was when she'll call herself stupid and Makenna would say that she wasn't.

There was a knock at the door, so after staring to see who should get it, I did. It was Uri and he looked normal. He also looked normal before so I'm not sure what to do. All I know is that if he makes things worse with Jamie, it'll be all bad.

I stepped out trying not to cause any problems. "What's up?"

"I need to talk to all of you, come down in 3 minutes," he rushed and went down.

I'm confused but I guess I'll find out what that was all about in a few minutes. I went in told the girls and went down. Uri had his eyes closed but I could see them moving rapidly.

"He's been doing it for awhile now," Chance told me. "Don't know what he has to say, so we're waiting for the girls."

And that's what we did. We waited for the girls while Uri had his little trip happening. The girls sat down and he opened his eyes.

"I know how to get our parents back. We have to work together and do exactly as I say-"

"And who made you the boss of us," Chance interrupted.

Uri smirked at him and Chance flew back hard into the wall. It looked like he was suck there and I assumed right because he wasn't falling as Uri walked to him.

"I know I don't say much and was a tidbit possessed earlier. I know those things, but I know I have the power to end this world we live in if I dared to do so. I suggest you listen and do as I say," Uri let him down patting him on his shoulder. "I don't want to force you to do anything and I won't, because I'm not the boss of you." Uri stepped away to back in his chair. "I will however be very pissed if my mother does not return to care for her other 3 kids. So you might not want to interrupt me again. Do you understand what I've said?"

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