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I'm not sure what mom is doing but I don't think Jamie wants to be bothered. Her yelling was a sign of that. But what did she mean? She can't bring her back? Who?

"What was that about," I asked when she came back.

"Don't worry about it."

"I thought we told each other things now. Or at least I only thought that."

She looked up at the sky slowly bringing her gaze back to me. "If you want to know, Uri go ask. But you might wish you hadn't."

I knitted my brows together. Now I really want to know. "Fine."

So I went over to see the issue. She had moved from the opening to a more closed off area. I think I startled her from whatever she was trying to do. I don't know what that was, but it looked interesting.

"Oh my," she jumped dropped the stick she was twirling.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you-"

"How long have you been standing there," she said quickly.

"Since you spun around and caught it."

She sighed in relief, coming over. "Okay. What's up?"

I had a wave of nervousness come over me. I don't know why and I wish the feeling would go away. I had no reason to be nervous. But still here I was about to stammer over my words.

"Um I was just uh wondering exactly you know what you and my mom were talking about?"

She smirked. "Didn't peg you as the nosey type." I scoffed at her. "Kidding. But why do you wanna know?"

I shrugged. "Maybe I'm nosey, maybe I'm not."

"Mhm... You won't understand."

"There's a small chance I will."

She smiled kicking at the dirt, laughing lowly. "You know it's your life as well... Basically I lost my cool. I'm good at keeping it in check but I couldn't. She said something and I got mad because she took away something very important to me." I waved for her to go on. "I should stop there."


She moved back twirling the stick around. "Your mom scares me. I don't want her to lose her cool."

Slowly I was seeing the pieces fall together. Mom was telling me about it before. She said we'd meet many like us because we all find a way to each other.

"Yeah she does get pretty hot," I said trying to make light of the situation. Jamie looked at me a little confused though. "I know about my mom. I know you know about her too."



"You know but you don't know what she took from me." I shook my head. "Has Belle ever left you?"

The change of subject was all of a sudden. And I didn't too much like the subject. That was a confusing time for me. She was there one day and wasn't the next. And this was sometime  after I met dad. He was just as confused. I was 5 and basically alone for a few months.

"Yes she has," I said lowly.

"How did that feel," she said smugly. "It hurt, didn't it?"

"For a little, yes. I was young so I didn't know the situation."

"And do you know now?"

I thought about it and shook my head. I didn't know want to know then and I still don't now.

Born In Hell (Book II)Where stories live. Discover now