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I'm kind of upset Noah left like that, but what can I do. Lacey wanted to hang out anyway so I can't ditch her. We said we were giving it a break from going to his house. That was the first time I've seen him in about a week. I feel like I was just too excited about coming back home after a year and some months.

"Jamie," Lacey sang. "Are you coming or not?"

I ran over and she took my hand running me to the water. She pulled off my cover making me shield myself but all she did was laugh. It's not like I have a bad body type I'm just not as confident as Lacey thinks.

Every guy I see either flocks to her or just brushes me off like I'm nothing. So I think you can see where the self confidence goes. I may be a 5 but my personality is a 10. That means something right?

"Oh stop it. You are a gorgeous skinny hour glass figure female. Any guy would be lucky to have you," she told me.

"But where is he? We've been here for ten minutes and you already have a crowd." I gestured at the people pretending to so happen to be near her for her attention. "She has a boyfriend!"

She shrugged. "Several, actually. That's besides the point, Jamie you are a catch and when a guy comes around you better not let him go. Besides I cheat anyways."

She floated on her back drifting away. She's said that so many times and I still don't know what she means. Ty has even said that before but they don't explain. If there are cheat codes to getting a person I would seriously like to know.

"How do you do that," I asked quietly.

She closed her eyes and smiled, sinking under. When she came up she slicked her hair back sauntering over to some guy. She slipped a little, bumping into his chest. At first he looked bothered by it, then after they talked some but not too much.

She came over returning back to her floating still somehow dripping and smiled at me. "It's as easy as that."

"No it's not," I muttered under my breath.

"You know who taught me how to get guys or anyone for that matter." I shook my head. "Ty did. And you know it works if Ty says it works. Just let go of the human act and embrace your inner demon."

Yeah but Ty is a different person. And it bothers me she got to learn that but I couldn't. It bothers me that they dated for a short time too.

"It's not as easy for me like it is for him, you know this."

She shook her head. "Jamie love, you gotta let that whole mommy issue go between you two. She's more powerful here. You're holding yourself back. Just give it a go. How about tomorrow, I feel my dad calling me."

I nodded and she disappeared under the water. I wasn't about to let that ruin the day at the beach though. So I swam around for some until I tired myself out and just like her I left with the whole disappearing act under the water.

I popped up in my room still drenched from the water. A shower is definitely needed right now. A few showers actually.

"Yeah I mean it's nice to see you too," I heard Ty say out in the hall.

"Just go," dad told him sounding a little sad.

I peeked my head out to see my tallness of a mess brother. It's like he keeps getting taller every time I see him. When did he come back?

"Ty," I called out.

Although I didn't see his face i just knew he rolled his eyes. "Hey Jamie," he said dryly.

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