
"I just want to sleep," Chance said throwing a shoe at me. "How long does this take?"

"I'm not sure giving birth is always so quick," I said sarcastically. "Especially when there are two coming out."

I wanted to sleep too and hearing my mom in pain is bugging me. We've all been up since last night. It's 10 in the morning now, all I want is a nap. I'm not sure how Charming and Noah are doing it, but congrats for them. Makenna is with Luana and Nasima and she somehow put them both to bed.

Chance slammed his hands to his ears a second before mom screamed. "Can't they just take her to the hospital or something?"

I always wondered that, but she told me she likes to do it old fashioned. It's strange, but it's what she wants.

"Aw man I've never seen an eclipse before," Chance said staring out the window in awe.

I haven't either if I'm being honest. I never saw the sun being covered either because I was more focused on how the light faded out through the door instead of going a different direction. It was really weirding me out.

Mom screamed again and this time it woke up Charming and Noah. I heard Makenna grumble in the other room while Luana started crying... and some other babies.

Nasima ran in excitedly bouncing up and down. "They're here." She saw outside and her smile grew wider. "Can we see mommy and babies now?"

I'm not sure how she called it, but she called it. Now I'm curious to see if she'll name them the names Nasima thought of.

"Let's give her a second to breath and then we'll see them."

"Noah," Makenna said coming in angrily. "Your friend is weirding me out."

Noah got up knitting his brows together. "What do you mean she's weirding you out?"

"She was watching us sleep."

Makenna held Luana in her arms, carefully bouncing her to go back to sleep. Her hair was in a weird knot on her head sticking out places, so obviously she was not in the mood to be bothered with.

"When did she get here," Noah said while yawning.

"I don't know, how about I just look back in my dream and recall the time," she yelled but whispered. "I don't freaking know. Why is she here?"

He shrugged and went to go see her. When he came back he looked at Makenna like she was crazy.

"She's not here."

She growled and rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She stepped out then back in, slamming the door shut. "Ummmm... so how long do you think this whole eclipse is going to last. It's pretty dark."

We all shrugged and she nodded, just sitting in front of the door. When the light came back in is when she left out of the room. We shared a look and tried to play it off.

Now it's time for Nasima and I to see the babies. Mom has had enough time to herself for us to see them. Plus I'm tired of her asking and just tired period.

"Mom," I said knocking on her door.

I slowly pushed the door open when she didn't say anything. Mom and dad were sleeping on the bed with the twins in the middle. They were also sleep up until Nasima backed into the dresser and knocking over a glass jewelry box. That woke the twins who woke mom and dad. And now mom looked like she could join in with the crying.

"I'm sorry," Nasima said quickly, hiding away behind me.

Mom rubbed her eyes and got up to look at her. "It's okay sweetie. We all get excited. Come here, I know you want to hold them."

Born In Hell (Book II)Where stories live. Discover now