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Well good news and bad news. Bad news first. I think it should always come first because it usually outweighs the good anyway but sometimes you can see the bright side out of it instead of vice versa. So bad news Ty is still hiding things from me and he won't say. Good news is that he's talking to me now... Not answering the questions, but still good.

"You know something," I said to Makenna.

We were on the couch at Noah for once actually getting along. Also it was just us in the house while the guys except Uri went out to get food. But I probably messed up the moment with Makenna. I just needed to know what it is. I feel at least she'll tell me or hint at it more than he will.

"What do you mean," she asked knitting her brows.

"You know something Ty hasn't mentioned to me, what is it," I pressed on.

She wouldn't look at me so that didn't help her case. I'm trying I really am, but I'm tired of him hiding things and then saying that he's only here because of me. It's not like I'm forcing him to stay, but I also I wish he won't leave again. I just want to know what's up because we used to be so close.

Makenna huffed and shook her head. "I honestly can't say. It's just some things that are meant to be discussed only in family-"

"But he told you-"

"No, it's just-"

"But he told you," I emphasized more. It's like she's not getting it and it was really frustrating me and pissing me off. "Makenna, please. If we're both trying to help each other out, help me with this."

She opened her mouth to speak, but stopped the motion as Uri made his way in. He sat and she stopped talking in all.

At this point Makenna reminded me of a cat about to pounce. Her eyes seemed to burn a brighter amber. Her hands were fidgeting around her ring as if at any moment it would shift. In all she was focused on Uri and had this look of extreme alarm. I'm not sure what it's about, but I've never seen this reaction from her towards him. Maybe the twins, but not Uri.

I can somewhat get why because he's different now. Alastor asked me if I did anything to him. Or even sent anyone to do it. I didn't. The last thing I heard about Uri from plotting against basically everyone was that they weren't sure what they were going to do with him. They wanted him for something big, but that's all I know. Alastor asked if Lacey was apart of it or know about it. I said no because I'm not sure. She does what she wants. This is her dad's signature, plus she's been ignoring me about this whole thing.

"Seems like a lot of hostility here," Uri said lowly.

Makenna's ring shifted in her hand, slipping down to a small push dagger. He genuinely looked surprised with the reaction.

"Stop toying with me," Makenna gritted sitting like she was holding herself back.

Uri looked at me confused. "Did I do something? I only sat down."

"I'm not in this."

He turned his gaze back to her and she shot up. So I moved back because I don't want to get in the line of fire. Whatever is happening I can't see or hear, so it's one word against the other.

"Makenna, relax," Uri said gesturing her to take deep breaths. "You're not thinking clearly."

"I haven't thought this clear in a minute," she was stalking over to him at this point.

He got up moving away creating more distance. "Stop, before we both regret this all-"

Now she launched herself at him. I'll give her props for a small person she took him down with ease. It was really awe inspiring. I couldn't look away from this, but especially now because Uri's eyes rolled back, turning black.

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