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I woke up to the smell of bacon and pancakes. My two favorite. Blueberry pancakes to be exact. I can't remember the last time I had this. Dad got tired of making bacon and nobody else ate blueberry pancakes so mom stopped making them. Especially when she got pregnant because it made her nauseous.

I thought I was dreaming this all, so I was afraid to open my eyes. I'm glad I did though. There was that weirdly scared tattooed guy.

"I was wondering when you were getting up," Ty said. "I made you breakfast."

I smiled and took the tray out his hands sitting up. "Thanks."

I blushed when I realized I had my retainer in. How embarrassing. Plus my hair was everywhere.

He handed over my retainer case like this was normal. "You're still cute," he assured me pushing my hair behind my ear.

I took out my retainer and kinda just dug in because I was starving. Skipping dinner was not a good choice. But this right now was hitting all the right spots. It was seriously amazing.

"So how did you get in?" He pointed to the door. "Okay but before that door."

"Noah and that Uri guy invited me over. Said they felt bad about last night." I thought about it for awhile and just shrugged it off. "So what do you want to do today?"

"I can't leave. I'm grounded," I told him quietly.

He was about to say something but ma called me from downstairs. I groaned and hid under my covers. If only I could stay here all day. I don't care if he's here or not. I just want to stay in the comforts of this bed.

"Makenna," she yelled more urgently.

I yanked the covers back and Ty already moved over to the door looking out. "Yes!"

"Come down here."

I kicked out, marching straight down. Ty stayed back thankfully. When I reached her she had Luana crying in her arm, bouncing around and she looked at me like I was in deep shit.

"I need you to go out with the twins and help them practice."

I nodded and went back up falling face first into my bed. There was no use in saying anything back to her because it'll just start an argument. We don't need that right now. Besides there's no point in saving their asses anymore. So I'll help but if they don't listen or if they test me, it's definitely not my problem anymore.

"What's the issue now," Ty asked.

I couldn't tell him. I need something in my life right now that's normal and this is as close as I'll get to that. It just sucks that they're still messing up something good for me.

"I have to help the twins with something. You should go."

"Maybe I could help-"

I shook my head. "I gotta do this one on my own. Maybe you can come over later."

All he did was huff and leave. I just don't wanna make anything weird. And if I keep thinking about it all I'll end up trapping myself in this room and getting in more trouble.

So I rushed to put on some clothes, heading out the back while tying my hair up. Uri was with Noah and the twins were in the back under a tree. They couldn't let a second go by without making a comment towards me.

"Oh look if it isn't the love bird herself," Chance said sarcastically.

"Our little Makenna," Charming joined in making kissy faces and noises.

Born In Hell (Book II)Where stories live. Discover now